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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4810


Austin, the chaotic sky-devouring beast, and the Reincarnation Palace's leader arrived at a space sea after traveling for a while under Old Lady Meng's guidance.

The four of them stood in the middle of the Absolute Space Sea and gazed at the space sea in front of them from afar. They were curious as to what they would encounter once they get there.

"I think that this space sea seems to have a lot to do with our reincarnation race.

I can sense dense and pure reincarnation energy and a large amount of laws of reincarnation in this space sea. I do hope that what I'm sensing is true,"

Old Lady Meng suddenly said in pleasant surprise. It could be seen in her eyes that she was excited at what awaited them there.

"Well, let's come on in then.

I have a strong feeling that there will be a surprise!"

Old Lady Meng said to them.

"Oh? Really?

Well, that's interesting."

Austin, the chaotic sky-devouring beast, and the Reincarnation Palace's leader were all stunned by her words

because the three of them didn't seem to sense anything special at all. In fact, they thought that that space sea was nothing but another ordinary space sea.

But Old Lady Meng was a senior member of the reincarnation race after all, so they completely trusted her. They thought that if she felt that way, then she must be right.

"Okay. We'll follow you.

Let's go inside now and have a look."

Austin nodded at Old Lady Meng and the others.

With that, the four of them slowly walked towards the space sea in front of them.

But just when he approached the space sea, Austin found that the entrance to the space sea was totally sealed shut.

Besides that, the space barrier of this space sea was particularly thick and solid.

And to top it all off, the whole space sea was surprisingly heavily blocked by layers of arrays.

It was extremely difficult to enter! It was as if someone intentionally made it like this so no one could go into this space sea.

"Huh? What's going on here?

This space sea is sealed tightly, and we can't get in or out of it. Is this some kind of trap? Or perhaps a test?"

Austin, the chaotic sky-devouring beast, and the leader of the Reincarnation Palace were all surprised at this and they began to study the space sea to learn how they could possibly enter it.

"We must figure out a way to go inside first. Only in this way could we know what actually happened in there,"

Austin immediately said.

"But this space sea is heavily sealed in each layer, so it won't be easy for us to get in. Just look at all these arrays and barriers.

Even with our strength, it seems that it would still be difficult for us to break in,"

the Reincarnation Palace's leader said with a frown after she tried to sense it.

"Well, I can try to break these arrays. But what comes after that is what I'm worrying about.

There will still be a hard layer of space barrier in front of us after I break these arrays. I think it's more effective if we find the weakest point of this space sea and break through its space barrier by force,"

Austin suggested.

"You can try to break these arrays first.

Truth is, our chaotic sky-devouring beast race has a secret skill that could be used to break the space barrier. I'll try it after you,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast suddenly said.

"I guess that's a good enough plan.

Let's give it a try then.

We are already here after all, so let's not waste this opportunity.

We won't give up so easily,"

Austin encouragingly said to them.

Then, he finally began to try to break the arrays one by one.

"These arrays were all set up by gods of chaos! I can't believe it!"

Austin was surprised to find that out when he began to observe the arrays.

That being said, these arrays left behind by gods of chaos would not break that easily.

"Well, I have sufficient time in my hands to study them carefully.

I'll just look at it as an opportunity to train and improve my array skills,"

Austin said.

With that, he began to fully concentrate on studying how to break these arrays.

Then, time passed by ever so slowly.

And a few years had already passed.

Austin was still sitting cross legged by the side of the space sea, intently studying, and breaking the arrays.

Over the past few years, he hadn't broken that many arrays.

That was because these arrays had all been set up by gods of chaos and they were too brilliant even for his skills.

However, during this process, Austin felt that the level of his array skills had significantly improved. It was truly an opportunity for him to hone and improve his skills, so he didn't feel that bad that he hadn't made much progress in breaking the arrays.

"I'm just going to look it as time for my cultivation of my array skills."

Austin was not in a hurry at all.

Meanwhile, the chaotic sky-devouring beast and the Reincarnation Palace's leader found a quiet space nearby and they each opened up a small world. They entered these two separate worlds and cultivated in seclusion.


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