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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4815

Illusions came one after another, and all had different lives in them.

Austin played different roles and experienced diverse lives in these illusions. Sometimes he was a mortal, and at other times, he was a martial artist. He experienced becoming an evil demon, a Buddhist monk, and even a powerful Taoist.

Although Austin knew that these were all mere fantasies, they seemed real to him when he experienced these lives. It felt, during each time, like real life.

Sometimes, those days seemed so real that Austin almost lost his last grasp on the clarity of his mind.

It was like he was just a few steps away from losing himself to these false lives he was living.

'It feels so real!'

Austin couldn't help but sigh whenever these moments caught him unguarded.

If it weren't for his unyielding will, he might have lost himself in the illusions long ago.

At the same time, he found that each time he experienced a different illusion, his mind power level also increased to a certain extent.

In this way, Austin's will grew stronger day by day until these illusions could no longer shake his mind.

The clarity in his mind and heart simultaneously grew more prominent as well, and the thick fog of confusion that shrouded him daily became nothing but a light mist.

Before long, although the illusions continued attacking Austin one after another, their effect on him dwindled to almost nothing.

He finally learned to stay steadfast against these illusions with ease, as he remained objective and clinical in his mind as if he was an outsider.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At that moment, Austin's body was emitting increasingly powerful mind power.

He resembled a volcano, swelling with destructive lava beneath a peaceful facade.


In the next breath, a world of mind power came into being automatically and rushed out of Austin's body, engulfing the space and time around him.

His solitary figure could be seen in this world of mind power.

Austin resembled an authoritative figure as he stood with his hands behind his back, and he threw a fleeting glance toward the world of mind power, which was slowly bulging with a domineering aura.

It was at this instant that he suddenly realized something.

Austin felt like this world of mind power was at least a hundred times stronger than those he had previously constructed.

And he knew that the level of his mind power had significantly improved.

"Well, well, well. It seems that he has already made a breakthrough in his mind power,"

Old Lady Meng muttered to herself.

She had abruptly appeared a short distance away from where Austin was, and she was now watching him fondly with a pleased smile on her face.

"Mind power has always been one of the most challenging kinds of power to cultivate in all universes.

And only those who have a natural penchant for it can develop it.

I knew that he was strong, but I didn't expect him to be a genius in mind power too,"

she sighed quietly, sounding slightly pleased and astonished.

At present, Austin was yet to finish his cultivation of mind power.

In fact, his cultivation was still ongoing.

But he found that the illusions he was encountering now had become much more powerful than the illusion he had experienced earlier.

'This must mean that the illusions I experience when I cultivate my mind power is possibly directly correlated to the level of my mind power. Thus, the stronger I become, the stronger the illusions grow as well!'

Austin thought to himself, pensively.

At this time, increasingly powerful illusions suddenly appeared out of nowhere and rushed towards Austin one by one, like the trickling of water from a leaky faucet.

Each illusion represented a life.

Austin had experienced different lives, one after another ceaselessly.

Thus, he knew love, hatred, laughter, tears, joy, and bitterness. All these were as familiar as the back of his hand.

The illusions attempted to overwhelm Austin with these experiences, hoping that he would get lost in them.

But at the end of every illusion, Austin would swiftly regain the clarity of his mind, break away from these illusions, and then enter the next illusion.

Time passed on as these steps repeated over and over again.

In a flash, Austin had experienced thousands of lives.

At present, he lived the life of a jaded man. He was tired of the mortal world and determined to become a Buddhist monk. He had traveled to an ancient temple and was kneeling in front of an old monk at this point.

"Master, I have seen enough of the mortal world, and I'm willing to cut off all my hair and spend the rest of my life by the wooden fish. In this way, I will prove my belief in Buddhism,"

Austin said earnestly.

"My child, you are saying these not because you've seen through the mortal world, but because you desire to escape from it.


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