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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4816

"Build a mountain!"

As soon as the idea came to him, Austin started to build a mountain in his world of mind power.


With a loud rumbling noise, a mountain slowly rose from the ground and grew taller and taller, like a huge sword towering over the ground in Austin's world of mind power.

Seeing how majestic it looked, Austin shouted,

"I'll make another one!"


With another booming noise, another mountain rose out of the ground.

Seeing that the world looked dry and barren,

Austin thought, 'I'll build a plain!'

Grass began to shoot out of the ground,

wildly spreading through the whole area until the space around the mountains looked lush and green.

"Now, I'll make a river,"

Austin shouted once more.

A long and enormous river flew across the plain, roaring with tremendous momentum.

Remembering more landscapes that his world was missing,

Austin shouted, "A desert!"

As soon as he said those words, a vast desert appeared in his world of mind power, covered with sand dunes and scarce desert plants.

Gradually, entire terrains took shape in Austin's world of mind power. There were mountains, rivers, oceans, deserts, and even villages.

With time, Austin's world of mind power looked almost like a real world.

Everything that existed in a real world could be found in this one,

except for one main thing;

there were no living beings in this world of mind power.


Finally, a figure appeared in the world of mind power.

It was none other than Austin.

This Austin was not the real Austin made of flesh and blood, but merely a combination of Austin's consciousness. However, he looked just like the real Austin.

"Well, the world of mind power I built is a perfect copy of the real one. It's no different from a real world,"

Austin said appreciatively to himself as he stood in the world of mind power, looking around to check that everything was in place.

"For the time being, the range of my world of mind power has reached a certain limit, so I cannot create any more," he said to himself.

Nevertheless, he nodded with satisfaction.

'In this world of mind power, I'm in control of everything.

Once my enemy falls into this world, his strength will at least be reduced by half.

I can even create a few creatures and leave them on this world.

Of course, they will not be real living creatures.

But I can use them to bewitch and distract the enemy in battle,'

Austin thought to himself.


he shouted,

pointing into the distance.

At his direction, various creatures such as humans, beasts, and demons materialized on the ground.


Austin shouted again, pointing at another position.

In an instant, a large group of creatures appeared in that position.

All the creatures he created were diverse in terms of features and qualities.

Gradually, more and more creatures appeared in his world of mind power.

Soon, they gathered and even began to form races, sects, and kingdoms...

In the end, Austin's world of mind power was exactly like a real world.

So many creatures were now living in this world that it would be impossible for most to distinguish this world from a real one.

Of course,

Austin knew the truth.

All these creatures had been made according to his will.


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