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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4826

Austin immediately listened to Armstrong's voice message.

"You must all leave the Heavenly Fire Land as soon as you receive this message. I hope that this reaches you on time.

I didn't know that it was a conspiracy.

But it's only a plot set up by the darkness race. It's a trap to lure the two of you here. I am terribly sorry that I didn't know. Leave at once when you get this message. Please be safe."

This was what Armstrong wanted to urgently tell Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast, but it was too late.


I see. So, that's what's happening here.

No wonder there are so many creatures of darkness that showed up. It turns out that this is a trap."

Austin immediately understood the situation they are in.

'The creatures of darkness used Armstrong to lure me right here where they would attempt to besiege and kill me. I didn't see this coming at all,'

Austin suddenly thought to himself.

"Tell me, where exactly are you now?"

After thinking for a while, Austin immediately sent back a voice message to Armstrong.

Since Armstrong had discovered that it was a conspiracy, it only meant that he must have turned against the person who had set the trap. He must be in grave danger now.

"No, you don't need to know where I am.

You must leave as soon as possible. Don't worry about me."

A moment later, another voice message from Armstrong came. He sounded in distress even if he told them that they shouldn't worry.


It looks like Armstrong really treasures our friendship as well. I appreciate that.

I don't regret at all that I came all the way here to save him,'

Austin thought to himself again.

"I've already entered the Heavenly Fire Land anyway, and I've already killed two groups of creatures of darkness. So, tell me, where are you now? I'll go to pick you up immediately."

Austin sent back a message to Armstrong again.

At this exact moment,

Armstrong was being chased by the man in white robes and several creatures of darkness. He was desperately running around in circles in the Heavenly Fire Land.

"Ha-ha, believe me, you can't escape here no matter how hard you try.

Think about the advice I told you.

Why don't you join the darkness race just like me? I'm telling you, it's the best decision you'll ever make.

With the help of the darkness race, you can finally do whatever you want from now on. Isn't that sweet?"

The man in white robes and several creatures of darkness were still following Armstrong unhurriedly, like cats playing with helpless mice.

In their eyes, it was impossible for Armstrong to escape from them, so they were not afraid at all and just toyed him.

"What did you just say? Did I hear that right?

You have already encountered creatures of darkness and even managed to kill two groups of them!"

Armstrong was extremely shocked when he received Austin's voice message.

"Cut the crap already and just tell me where you are,"

Austin impatiently asked by sending another voice message.

Hearing that, Armstrong realized that it was already too late for Austin to go back anyway, so he finally described his location to Austin.

Of course, this location was just based on his own guess and observation of the place.

The space and time were very chaotic in the Heavenly Fire Land, so it was impossible for him to accurately locate his own position.

"Let me lead the way, Austin,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast offered to Austin.

As a legendary beast living in the Absolute Space Sea, he was overly sensitive to space and time, so it was better that he led this time.

"Okay, I'll follow you closely behind."

It turned out to be exactly how Austin wanted.

With that, the chaotic sky-devouring beast immediately rushed forward.

And Austin and the Reincarnation Palace's leader followed.

"Ah, Tate, I have treated you as my friend for the longest time. How could you deceive me like this?

I won't forgive you for this.

Austin is coming here soon, so just wait and see.

And as soon as he arrives, you will definitely pay the price!"

Armstrong said to the man in white robes in a cold and deadly tone. He was overjoyed when he received Austin's message and knew that Austin was coming, so he could not help but feel more confident now.


Why are you so slow-witted? Just hearing you talk makes me so angry!

So, don't blame me for being rude.

Good sirs of the darkness race, please kill this arrogant guy immediately,"

the man in white robes said to the creatures of darkness since he was totally enraged by what Armstrong said.

Immediately, the man in white robes and the several creatures of darkness with him sped up in chasing Armstrong. And in the blink of an eye, they caught up with Armstrong and besieged him.

"Where is that survivor of the reincarnation race you proudly mentioned? Why isn't he here, huh? Why didn't he come to save you?


Do you want to know the truth? I'll tell you now.

As soon as that survivor of the reincarnation race entered the Heavenly Fire Land, several groups of powerful creatures of darkness rushed to kill him once and for all.

I think that he might have been already killed by now with both his body and soul destroyed.


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