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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4827

"Were they hit by an illusion?"

Armstrong asked, sounding dazed.

He was shocked. Although he had stayed for a long time in the Absolute Space Sea, he was still unfamiliar with the world of mind power.

Austin smiled. "Let's go, Armstrong.

Didn't you say that guy deceived you?

We should go and teach him a lesson,"

he suggested.

Armstrong didn't object, so Austin waved an arm and the two of them vanished.


they reappeared in the world of mind power Austin had created.

At that moment, Tate and several creatures of darkness were in the world of mind power, trying to fend off a barrage of continuous, frenzied attacks.

Troops bore down on them like an endless wave of steel.

Tate and the others quickly realized that no matter how hard they fought, they would eventually be overwhelmed by the sheer number of soldiers in this world.

It seemed impossible to kill them all.

For every soldier they defeated, ten more rushed forward to take their place.

Soon the attacks wore them out, and they began fighting less fiercely as they grew physically and mentally exhausted.

"Damn it! What kind of place is this?

How did we end up in this hell?

Where did these hordes of fighters come from, and why are they so determined to attack us?" Tate shouted, his face red with exertion.

He and the other creatures of darkness were at the end of their rope.

As they fought, they tried every now and then to explain themselves to the creatures attacking them.

However, their efforts were useless. None of their attackers talked to them or even seemed to be listening at all. They only launched wave after wave of fierce attacks.


Austin and Armstrong, who had appeared in the sky above the world,

looked down at Tate and the creatures of darkness fighting for their lives.

"What's happening?" Armstrong gasped,

completely stunned by the sight of the battle.

Tate caught sight of Armstrong and Austin above them.

"Armstrong! What the hell is going on? Who is that man? What is this world?

Why are we here?

Tell me! Are you two responsible for this?"

he roared angrily.

Austin sneered.

"You must suffer the consequences of your actions!" he shouted back.

"You are just a survivor of the reincarnation race. How dare you be so arrogant?

The creatures in this world are very resistant to outsiders. They will soon attack you too!

Do you think you can get away with this?"

Tate bellowed at Austin.

He faced the attacking creatures again, and yelled,

"Look up! There are also two intruders there. Why don't you besiege them too?"

But, just as they had ignored everything Tate had already said, they also ignored him pointing frantically upwards. None of the soldiers approached the duo hovering above them.

After all, what Tate didn't know was that everything in this world was simulated by Austin's mind power. There was absolutely no chance that they would attack Austin or his companion.

"Hey! Why don't you attack them?

They are also invaders!"

Tate shouted again in frustration.

None of the creatures paid any attention to his words.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on?

Why are they only targeting us?"

Tate demanded, craning his neck to glare furiously at Austin and Armstrong. He realized that something was seriously wrong.

"Did the two of you set this up?"

he yelled, struggling to keep fending off the nonstop barrage of attacks.

"Austin, what's going on?" Armstrong muttered,

unable to hide his confusion. He had no idea what was happening.

"You don't have to worry," Austin assured him.

"If you want to teach him a lesson, do it now!

In this world, you have the upper hand over him."

He spoke loud enough for Tate to hear him.


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