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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4853

"These chains are among the magic treasures of the darkness race. They are full of dark nature," said Old Lady Meng.

With a reflective look on her face, she added, "It seems that this infinity beast was chained here by the darkness race...

And that's very strange, because the infinity beast is legendary for its great power and strength. I cannot imagine why even the darkness race would dare to provoke him in this manner.

Perhaps the darkness race bears a grudge against this infinity beast."

Austin paused for a moment, thinking about what Old Lady Meng had said.

"Can these black chains be broken?

I consider myself a friend of the infinity beast race.

If I can rescue this fellow, I will,"

he said firmly.

Old Lady Meng smiled. "Oh? You know the infinity beast race?

Well, in that case we must do everything in our power to rescue this infinity beast.

After all, the enemy of our enemy is our friend.

If we rescue this beast, who must be angry at being imprisoned here by the darkness race, then we can count the infinity beast race among our allies in the future,"

she said, nodding in agreement.

Austin used his spiritual sense to probe at the black chains restraining the infinity beast. After several seconds of this, he stepped back, frowning.

The black chains were emitting a very strange aura.

He could tell that it would be incredibly difficult to destroy them.

"Look," said Austin. "Do you see the engravings on the chains?

They seem to be suppression arrays.

They are continuously absorbing dark energy from the surrounding space to suppress the powers of the infinity beast.

Because this space sea is a stronghold of the darkness race, it means the energy reinforcing these black chains will never be exhausted."

He continued studying the black chains with his spiritual sense, looking for any weakness in the links.

The only way to save the infinity beast was by breaking these black chains apart.

Austin soon realized that the chains were not only engraved with numerous suppression arrays, but also with tiny unique symbols of the darkness race.

These dark symbols trembled and moved back and forth along the chains, like little black tadpoles with a life of their own.

Austin sighed. 'Well, it seems that in order to destroy these chains, I have to break not only the arrays on the chains, but also the runic laws of the darkness race.

Given enough time, I could study them at my leisure, and work out a way to destroy them...

However, we are in the lair of the darkness race, and time is against us. No doubt they will soon realize we are here, and attack us.

They know I have killed a wizard of their race. By now, they must have alerted even the gods of chaos of the darkness race,'

he thought, wondering what the best course of action could be.

The thought of encountering the gods of chaos of the darkness race gave Austin a deep sense of foreboding.

At his current level of strength, he was not afraid of any governing gods, regardless of their realm or strength.

But the gods of chaos were another matter. His only option would be to retreat.

Old Lady Meng had reached the same conclusion. "Austin, I'm afraid we don't have enough time to rescue this infinity beast.

I suspect that some gods of chaos of the darkness race are already on their way here,"

she said gently.

Austin gritted his teeth and said,

"Let me have a try.

I need to at least give this my best effort. If this attempt fails, then we will go ahead without saving the beast."

He quickly took out a teleportation rune left by Pastor.

He planned to activate the rune and teleport himself away as soon as the gods of chaos arrived.

Then he returned his attention to the dark chains, probing with his spiritual sense, trying to break them apart.

Suddenly, the chains began rattling.

The sleeping infinity beast had been roused by Austin's actions.

As the enormous beast shook himself awake, the chains along his body clanged loudly.

He opened his eyes and stared at Austin.


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