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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4854

"Sir, believe me. I am telling the truth."

Austin waved his hand and imitated his fight with the wizard through a projection.

"Well, you're not lying!

I can't believe you managed to kill a wizard, young man!

You have caused a huge loss for the darkness race.

I think the gods of chaos of the darkness race are going to be furious now,"

the infinity beast exclaimed.

With his cultivation level of the law of time, he could tell immediately that Austin was telling the truth and the projection had actually happened.


This is amazing.

Young man, I must thank you because you have helped me vent my anger.

A long time ago, several dozen wizards of the darkness race had come together and used an evil skill to trap me here.

I've been thinking about killing a few of them ever since then."

The infinity beast burst out laughing.

'So the wizards had trapped the infinity beast here.

That makes sense. Several dozen wizards of the darkness race along with a god of chaos would have been successful in doing that.

It tracks,'

Austin thought after hearing the infinity beast's story.


the latter's face darkened suddenly.

"Damn it!

Young man, if you have killed a wizard, then I have unwelcome news for you. Killing a wizard is akin to provoking a god of chaos.

All wizards are friends with a few gods of chaos.

They must be coming for you as we speak.

Run! Don't stay here anymore.

You won't be able to escape if they arrive,"

the infinity beast shouted anxiously.

"Sir, I want to break these chains and save you first,"

Austin replied calmly.

"What? Really?

You want to save me?

But that is too difficult.

I really appreciate the gesture.

However, it's going to take a while for you to break these chains with your strength.

The wizards engraved numerous powerful suppressing arrays into these chains.

Moreover, these chains themselves contain powerful runes and laws of darkness.

Unless you are extremely proficient in arrays and know a way of dealing with these runes, you can't break them.

I suggest that you forget about me and get as far away as possible. Now!"

the infinity beast urged.

In his eyes, Austin was too weak to save him.

"If you really want to save me, then the best way would be to get out of here and help me send a message to my clansmen.

It's more practical to let them save me,"

the infinity beast suggested.

"Sir, I have some knowledge about arrays.

And I can also try to break those dark runes,"

Austin said with determination. Then he added,

"What I need is time.

I am certain I can get you out of here given enough time."

There was a note of confidence in his voice that touched the infinity beast.


Are you serious?

You really are certain that you can get me out?"

The infinity beast was slightly stunned.


I just need time."


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