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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4880

During the battle, Austin used the world of mind power, the law of reincarnation, and the law of time all at once. He also constantly set up various arrays, one after the other. He poured all that he could into his attacks and defenses.

These somewhat restricted Bud's attack.

"I can't believe that he has been able to cultivate the world of mind power to such a high level at such a young age. He really is a genius!"

"However, his realm is too low. He can't possibly be a match for Bud. He will soon lose,"

the level-nine governing gods said. They had been watching the battle, and they were eyeing Austin closely. Enemy or not, they were in awe of the strength this young man possessed.

In their opinion, with so many level-nine governing gods surrounding him, it was going to be impossible for Austin to escape. They were in no hurry to help out.

"Austin, release the road of reincarnation and use your Triple Avatar Skill,"

Old Lady Meng said to Austin, her voice filled with urgency.

Austin immediately released the road of reincarnation, and he hurled it toward Bud with great force.

The road of reincarnation emitted endless reincarnation energy and law of reincarnation, forcing Bud to take a step back. He recoiled as if he had been burned. His skin felt like it had been singed with hot coals.

The power of the road of reincarnation was formidable. During a war in the past, countless gods of chaos had teamed up to attack it. With much effort, they were able to destroy it.

The road of reincarnation was exceptionally powerful. Defeating it was certainly not going to be easy.

"This part of the road of reincarnation is also an amazing magic treasure,"

the wizard of the darkness race shouted at Bud. He instantly recognized it upon seeing it.



My, this is an unexpected harvest.

I didn't expect that this brat would have so many treasures. How surprising!"

Bud said, laughing loudly.


Do you really think you can take them away from me? They're mine. I would rather die than hand them over to you!"

Austin sneered.

As soon as the last word left his lips, Austin used the Triple Avatar Skill. In an instant, three identical Austins appeared, side by side.

Each manifestation of Austin had the same strength as that of his original body's.

The three Austins used three different secret techniques from three different directions. They rushed towards Bud all at once.

Bud was taken by surprise! He did not expect Austin to launch such an attack.

For a while, the battle between the two sides raged on fiercely.

The three Austins and Bud fought each other with all their might. However, Austin was getting weary. He knew that he couldn't hold Bud off forever.

'No, it can't go on like this!

This level-nine governing god is stronger than me. I'm no match for him, '

Austin thought to himself.

Sure enough, the three Austins were soon forced to retreat. Bud had put them at a disadvantage.

"Stop, Austin. Let's go.

We don't have the power to defeat this governing god.

There are so many of them here.

We are definitely no match for them.

Let's not waste any more time,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast said to Austin using telepathy. He was getting more worried as time passed. Pretty soon, it would be too late for them to escape.

"All right!

Get ready to leave,"

Austin responded, nodding his head in agreement.

For Austin, the most important thing was to get back to the Sea of Chaos as soon as possible.

"You want to escape now? It's too late for you!"

Bud said with a sneer. He saw right through their plan.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other level-nine governing gods immediately took their crimson array flags and threw them into the surrounding space and time.

Immediately, the space and time around the area morphed into a blood-red sea. The endless array flags flew around, completely enveloping the surrounding space and time.

The array flags were evidently very powerful.

"Boy, show me how you can escape!"

Bud exclaimed, laughing wildly.

"Don't be afraid. Even the god of chaos can't stop your teleportation runes.


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