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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4881

"Sir, how are you? Have you fully recovered?"

Using his spiritual sense, Austin asked the infinity beast concernedly.

He agreed to bring him back to the Sea of Chaos once the latter was completely healed.

However, this was an emergency. The darkness race sent their men to look for the Sea of Chaos. Austin was left with no choice but to prioritize his return to his hometown.

Therefore, Austin headed back to the Sea of Chaos without informing the infinity beast of his plans.

Surprisingly, the infinity beast reached him before he did.

"Soon," the infinity beast answered.

"Just a few more rests before I fully recover. I plan to go out after.

What about you? Where are you now?

When are you going back to the Sea of Chaos?"

the infinity beast asked Austin.

Initially, he wanted to visit the Sea of Chaos because he wanted to meet the little infinity beast Austin mentioned before.

His race was rare, which meant every member of the infinity beast race mattered.

"I'm on my way home, sir.

Unfortunately, I encountered a problem.

I plan to teleport myself out of there,"

Austin replied.


What's going on over there?"

the infinity beast inquired.

Then, Austin gave him a gist of the cruel treatment he had experienced with the darkness race.

"I see." the infinity beast nodded.

"Don't run away from them. Hold on a little longer, while I'm coming over. I will get these guys,"

the infinity beast notified Austin.

"Really, sir? Thank you. I'll wait for you!"

Austin gleefully cried.

'The infinity beast is as strong as a god of chaos.

He can easily dispose of these level-nine governing gods without breaking a sweat, ' he thought to himself.

Then, Austin excitedly informed Old Lady Meng and the chaotic sky-devouring beast that a powerful being was coming to their aid.

Meanwhile, the governing gods from the darkness race continued their assaults. "You are dead meat, you fucking brat!"

"Hand over the Magical Polarity Token, and we will give you a quick death!"

They closed in on Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast. Countless attacks were being bombarded on them.

Austin had to make do with what they currently had. They just had to hold on until the infinity beast arrived. He summoned his Triple Avatar Skill, and fought the governing gods head-on with the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

Tough as they both might be, their enemies had them outnumbered, and they were also alarmingly powerful.

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast were sent flying away again and again.

Fortunately, they had the Memory Bridge and the road of reincarnation which blocked most of the attacks for them.

The Memory Bridge and the road of reincarnation served as a tough barrier. Due to it, the governing gods barely scratched them no matter how hard they tried.

"Look at these two bastards! They are really not afraid to die!"

"So what? It's not like these pieces of shit can get away anyway. They can go ahead trying to defy our attacks, but they are still going to end up dead! Ha-ha!"

The governing gods laughed wildly as they attacked their enemies.

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast were starting to falter. They got injured, and blood seeped from the corners of their mouths.

Austin held a teleportation rune in his hand. If push came to shove, he would activate the rune to teleport himself and the beast out of there.

Although they were getting battered and bruised terribly, Austin was not worried. He still had an avenue to escape in case things went haywire.

Instead, he took advantage of this opportunity to hone his kills by taking on the level-nine governing gods.

Never before in his life had he experienced a dozen of level-nine cultivators simultaneously attacking him.


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