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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4897

"Even so, it doesn't change the fact that I can definitely take you out someday,"

Austin replied cold-bloodedly as he glared at Simms ferociously.

Hearing that, the infinity beast immediately burst into laughter.

"Of course! You are right about that, Austin. I also believe you can defeat this guy one day."

The infinity beast nodded confidently.

"But for now, let's get out of here," he continued.

Having said that, the infinity beast released the tremendous spatial energy. It immediately enveloped Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast. Afterward, the three of them left that place.

Meanwhile, Simms merely stood there and watched as they left. He didn't dare do anything rash.

Moreover, he didn't stop them because he was well aware that the infinity beast was much stronger than him.

"Humph! Just wait and see, Austin. I'll make you pay for this someday!" Simms growled through gritted teeth.

He scowled at the direction where they had disappeared.

A short while after that, another god of chaos entered the vicinity of the Sea of Chaos. However, he immediately stopped in his tracks.

He quickly unleashed his spiritual sense to examine the entirety of the Sea of Chaos.

"That's odd. According to the information we obtained from the darkness race, this place should be the Sea of Chaos. Why isn't there a sign of any civilization here? Where are its inhabitants?" he murmured to himself. He was obviously baffled by this unexpected turn of event.

After a while, he spotted Simms.

Likewise, Simms sensed him too. He immediately approached the god of the chaos. It appeared as if Simms knew exactly who this god of chaos was.

"Ah! It is you, General Briggs!" he greeted the newcomer enthusiastically.

Simms knew fairly well who he was dealing with.

Briggs was considered as one of Bartholomew's extremely capable subordinates. Moreover, he held a high status in the Time Chamber Sect.

To elaborate, the Time Chamber Sect was a well-known powerful organization. Even though Simms was a god of chaos himself, he still wanted to fawn over this force in order to gain their favor.

"Ah. It's you, Simms."

Briggs nodded at Simms. This acknowledgement was a good sign for the latter.

In any case, Simms was a famous god of chaos. Therefore, Briggs recognized him immediately as well.

"Can you tell me what's going on with this space sea? I am quite perplexed.

According to my sources, this is supposed to be Austin's hometown. But why aren't there any living creatures here?"

Briggs asked without beating around the bush.

"Ah. This place is indeed Austin's hometown. That brat is still as crafty as ever. He managed to return here in advance. Then, he relocated all the creatures within this space sea somewhere else,"

Simms replied in utter spite.

"So that's what happened. I see. By any chance, did you see that brat anywhere?"

As soon as he heard this, Simms immediately felt thrilled.

"General Briggs, are you also after Austin?

As a matter of fact, I did see him just a while ago."

Simms then proceeded to tell him what transpired earlier in detail.

"I see. So Austin has that infinity beast on his side. This makes it much more difficult to catch him," Briggs responded as he stroked his chin.

He contemplated the best way to go about his task.

"Why are you searching for him? Did he do something to you too?"

Simms asked out of curiosity.

"No, he didn't do anything to me. However, he messed with Lord Bartholomew.

That brat stole his Time Ship. And that's why I'm here,"

Briggs answered frankly.

"Such impudence! That guy is really something else. I can't believe he had the guts to provoke Lord Bartholomew deliberately."

Simms was absolutely taken aback by this piece of information.

Bartholomew was known far and wide as one of the nine leaders of the Time Chamber Sect. Needless to say, he had an immense amount of power and incredible strength. Mere ordinary gods of chaos were no match against him.

"Because of that, Lord Bartholomew ordered us to apprehend Austin,"

Briggs added with a ruthless and savage smile.

"Point me towards the direction in which they left,"

he told Simms straightforwardly.

"They went that way. I hope you find him."

Simms pointed towards the direction where Austin had disappeared. There was a satisfied smile on his face as he did this.

Without delay, Briggs tore the space apart and quickly went after his target.

At that moment, the infinity beast had already brought Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast somewhere far away from the Sea of Chaos.

After some time, they stopped travelling. "Austin, I'm going to find my old friend. Are you coming with me?"


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