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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4898

Since the infinity beast understood that Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast were not strong enough together to contend with a god of chaos,

he hid in the shadows and waited for the creature that was tracking them to arrive.

"I'm General Briggs. I'm a subordinate of Lord Bartholomew from the Time Chamber Sect. Your infinity beast race should avoid meddling in other people's business.

After all, you already have enmity with the darkness race. Are you sure you still want to provoke our Time Chamber Sect and gain another powerful enemy?"

Briggs threatened as he stared at the infinity beast.


You think that the Time Chamber Sect is something to be feared?

For a long time, your Time Chamber Sect has had a close relationship with the darkness race. Naturally, a friend of my enemy is also an enemy of mine.

Your Time Chamber Sect and my infinity beast race have long been on opposite sides. So do I still need to provoke you to be your enemy?"

the infinity beast replied, laughing.

"Besides, I'm here so you cannot track Austin,"

he added.

"Fine. If that's the way you see it, you can go to hell!"

Briggs roared. Red tinged his entire face and crept down the back of his neck.

He was a senior leader of the Time Chamber Sect and a god of chaos. Normally, anyone he came across would show him respect.

Even the senior leaders of the darkness race wouldn't provoke or humiliate him.

The attitude of the infinity beast was enough to send him over the edge.


You're going to kill me using that poor strength of yours?"

the infinity beast questioned, laughing once more.

Briggs' answer to him was initiating the fight.

The energy caused by two gods of chaos going to battle was so terrifying that it

destroyed the spaces and times, as well as some space seas nearby.

The battle lasted for a long time.

And the two gods of chaos were mobile while they fought. By the time they stopped for a rest, no one could tell how many spaces, times, and space seas had been destroyed.

"All right. I didn't expect that you would be so powerful,"

Briggs admitted, looking at the ground gloomily. He had discovered that even with his current strength, there was nothing he could do to hurt the infinity beast.

Before, he had all but ignored the infinity beast race.

But now he understood that the infinity beast race deserved their reputation of being the god of time.


And you think that you are something to brag about?

I could be stronger but I haven't fully recovered from my injuries yet. If I had, it would be a piece of cake for me to defeat you,"

the infinity beast replied, sneering.

Briggs couldn't refute him because he knew that what the infinity beast said was true.

"Well, you still shouldn't look down on our Time Chamber Sect,"

Briggs said, brimming with anger.

"Don't bother trying to scare me by mentioning the Time Chamber Sect. It won't work,"

the infinity beast snapped back.

The moment he finished speaking, several figures with terrifying auras tore through spaces and times in the distance, heading to the place where the infinity beast and Briggs were fighting.

"Who's coming?

Did you call for help?

If so, I can't stay and play any longer."

Soon after, the infinity beast was able to sense several figures coming their way.

His strength hadn't recovered to its peak state yet. It was okay for him to fight with Briggs, but he wouldn't be able to handle several gods of chaos working together.

"Nice try! You have no way to escape!"


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