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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4952

Austin considered what Winston and the infinity beast had said. It made sense. Turning to the others, he said, "Master Winston and the infinity beast are right. If we continue wandering around the Absolute Space Sea, it would be extremely dangerous. We are being pursued by a very large number of very powerful warriors from the Time Chamber Sect and the darkness race.

We need to become stronger to have any hope of defeating them, so for now we will avoid our pursuers. We must all cultivate in seclusion for a period of time, improving and increasing our strength.

After that, we will try our best to contact more people of our reincarnation race. Together, we can rebuild our realm and stand against all enemies. We'll have the best chance of defeating the combined forces of the Time Chamber Sect and the darkness race."

"Very well," said the leader of the Reincarnation Palace. The others also nodded.

Austin was the leader of their group. They would abide by his decisions.

"All of you must return to the space sea where the three avatars of the three Lords of Reincarnation are staying. They are best suited to guide your cultivation.

They'll help you learn and develop the most authentic, core inheritance of our reincarnation race," said Austin. He thought for a moment, then added,

"As for me, I will stay in the Fallen Divine Valley and cultivate with my master.

When all of us have made great strides in our cultivation, we will reassemble our group, and continue with our adventures."

Everyone expressed their agreement. Although they were a bit reluctant to part ways after being together through so much, they knew it was for the best.

"Okay, let's go," said the leader of the Reincarnation Palace,

and the others in the group echoed her words.

In fact, it hadn't been long since the last time they cultivated in seclusion. But they had no choice except to continue cultivating. The warriors who were trying to capture them were incredibly powerful—many of them were gods of chaos. If they insisted on returning to the Absolute Space Sea now, it would be tantamount to suicide.

So they vowed to return to seclusion, cultivating diligently and continuously, until they were strong enough to defend themselves against the Time Chamber Sect and the darkness race.

"Since we're all in agreement, I'll send you now to the space sea where the three avatars can be found,"

said Austin.

The avatars of the three Lords of Reincarnation would guide them in their cultivation, helping them in their quest to rebuild the reincarnation road and restore the glory of their race.

The infinity beast suddenly interrupted. "Austin, did I hear you correctly? The Lords of Reincarnation of your race have avatars left behind, and you are in contact with them?"

he asked, his brow furrowed.

Winston, who was listening, also looked surprised.

The three Lords of Reincarnation of the reincarnation race were widely renowned back then. In fact, they used to be even more famous and revered than Winston throughout the Absolute Space Sea.

They were definitely among the top masters of their era, and many would have sacrificed a lot for the opportunity to be guided by them in cultivation.

Each of the three Lords of Reincarnation possessed extraordinary strength.

They could kill an ordinary god of chaos in an instant.

If it became known that these three powerful figures had avatars left behind, the news would cause a sensation across the Absolute Space Sea.

Austin nodded.

"Yes. I'm sending the others to cultivate with the avatars of the three Lords of Reincarnation.

I spent some time with them not long ago, and they personally guided me in my own cultivation,"

he explained.

Austin trusted Winston and the infinity beast, so he didn't feel it was necessary to hide anything from them.

"Impressive!" said Winston. "These avatars are the pillars of your reincarnation race.

I wonder how the real bodies of the three Lords of Reincarnation are.

If they are still alive, then it's inevitable that the reincarnation race will rise again.

However, they all disappeared long ago... I suspect that even if their real bodies are still alive, they must be in bad condition.

Otherwise, they would have already taken steps to rebuild the reincarnation race on their own.

They spent an enormous amount of time and effort in founding the reincarnation race. It's impossible that they would give up. Perhaps they're waiting for someone like you to come along."


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