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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4953

Austin hurried back to the Fallen Divine Valley, eager to begin his cultivation.

He stayed in the Fallen Divine Valley, cultivating under Winston's guidance.

Winston was well-known for being good at training disciples, and Austin felt quite fortunate to benefit from his master's instruction.

He had studied Austin's abilities and potential, and prepared a detailed cultivation plan for Austin.

The plan he had designed for Austin divided his training into two portions.

The first method called for Austin to cultivate in seclusion. The second method involved practicing by himself, with Austin going through a series of trials and explorations to further hone his powers.

Over the course of their work, Austin was surprised to learn that Winston was a pill refiner.

Of course, the pills refined by a god of chaos were extraordinary.

Winston's pills were a level higher than the divine pills—he refined primitive chaotic pills,

which were the highest grade pills in existence.

Only those gods of chaos with the most advanced pill-refining skills were able to refine primitive chaotic pills.

One day, the infinity beast approached Austin and spoke to him.

"Austin, you can cultivate in seclusion for a period of time," he said. "I will go out to find a batch of treasures from heaven and earth for you, and then your master will refine a batch of primitive chaotic pills. That will increase your chance of breaking through to become a god of chaos."

"Thank you so much, sir!"

Austin said gratefully.

"No need to be so polite! After all, if you hadn't saved me, I would still be a prisoner of the darkness race right now,"

the infinity beast said with a smile.

With that, he left the Fallen Divine Valley.

In the meantime, Winston had also prepared something for his disciple. "Austin, I have personally created a small world for you. In this small world, both energy and laws are relatively advanced.

You may cultivate in seclusion there,"

he said, directing Austin towards a small world located some distance away.

"Thank you, master," said Austin.

In a flash, Austin walked into the small world and began his cultivation.

The purpose of Austin's cultivation in seclusion this time was very clear. He wanted to break through to a higher level in his realm.

Over the years, he had fought in many fierce battles, and he'd even faced fearsome attacks from gods of chaos.

The most dangerous of his encounters was when he had confronted over twenty gods of chaos of the Time Chamber Sect, all at the same time.

He hadn't made a move, but just being able to stand up against so many gods of chaos was a supreme achievement for Austin.

It was a truly rare experience that had taught him many things.

Moreover, Austin had killed a great deal of governing gods in recent years.

He had even managed to kill a group of level nine governing gods who were on the verge of becoming gods of chaos themselves.

All those experiences had been very beneficial to Austin, in terms of developing his combat skills.

At this point, Austin had already accumulated a lot of energy and experience.

And yet, as Austin entered the small world, he realized that it contained energy and laws that were quite advanced, even for him.

Winston had already made the arrangements to ensure that Austin would benefit from cultivating in this small world.

And so Austin started his cultivation in seclusion. Ten years passed.

He decided he was ready to undergo the Thunderstroke Doom.

When he emerged from the small world, the sky above the Fallen Divine Valley was shrouded in darkness, except for flashes of lightning.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, and the sound grew louder and louder.

The Thunderstroke Doom was upon Austin. Eighty-one thunder dragons of different colors rushed towards Austin. In their wake, millions of thunder creatures followed. Each of these creatures was condensed from the essence of thunder and lightning.

For two months, Austin battled the storm of thunder dragons and countless other thunder creatures that swirled ceaselessly around him. Eventually, he succeeded in breaking through. He was now a level four governing god.

Winston was watching his disciple all throughout this ordeal.

"Very good," he said approvingly. "Now, take this."

He pressed a bottle of primitive chaotic pills into Austin's hands.

"Continue to cultivate in seclusion. The next step is to become a level five governing god,"

he said.

Austin examined the jade bottle, a joyful expression on his face.

"Thank you, master," he said, eager to use the pills.

"It's the first time that I have seen such high-grade pills!" he told his master.

He returned to the small world and continued his cultivation in seclusion.

"I'll take a pill first," he said to himself.

Austin took out a primitive chaotic pill from the jade bottle. He popped it into his mouth and swallowed.


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