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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4993

While the demon guards of darkness were busy chasing after Austin, the three Lords of Darkness entered the Eight Fires Valley and cornered the fire source beast.

"You're the fire source beast. I've heard a lot about you. We came here to find you but we expected it to take longer,"

one of the Lords of Darkness said as they slowly approached the fire source beast.

They were so confident in their own strength that they had no reason to hurry.

After all, they were top masters in the Absolute Space Sea.

For the longest time, the only creatures that were qualified to be on par with them were the three Lords of Reincarnation of the reincarnation race and the top warriors of other powerful forces.

In fact, strictly speaking, only the three Lords of Reincarnation could be a match for the three Lords of Darkness.

But now, the three Lords of Reincarnation were gone, and it had been that way for a long time.

Therefore, the three Lords of Darkness believed that they were the strongest force in the Absolute Space Sea. The fire source beast might be powerful and legendary,

but they believed that he would not be a match for them.

And they didn't intend on fighting with him. They had come to the Eight Fires Valley to tame him and let him serve the darkness race.

"The Eight Fires Valley is my territory. Why are you in here without my permission?"

the fire source beast demanded, glaring at the Lords of Darkness.

"Calm down. We're here to make a deal with you,"

one of the Lords of Darkness said with a smile.

"A deal?

There's nothing to discuss.

Leave now. You are not welcome here,"

the fire source beast growled.

"Just relax. The contents of the deal will benefit both of our races. We would like to invite you to join our darkness race.

I have the power to allow you to become the guardian of our race.

We will provide you with all the cultivation resources that you will need.

And your position will only be only a little lower than ours. Our guardian is considered a senior member of our race.

Once you gain this status, you will be safe to wander in the Absolute Space Sea whenever you like.

After all, our race is the most powerful force in the Absolute Space Sea.

Nearly none of the forces or creatures dare to bother us.

There are no requirements of you once you are a guardian. It's just a nominal position.

If you like, you can continue to live in the Eight Fires Valley. Our race will send people regularly to bring you the resources you need.

Does that sound like something you would be interested in?"

one of the Lords of Darkness suggested.


A deal this good really exists?"

the fire source beast said with a smile after thinking for a few seconds.

"Yes. It does.

You are a fire source beast. You're worth it,"

another Lord of Darkness replied.

The response of the fire source beast caused them to all sigh with relief internally,

feeling that there was a good chance that they could convince the beast to join them.

They wanted to recruit the fire source beast, not fight with him.

If a fight resulted, it wouldn't matter whether they had won or lost. It would make it more difficult for them to persuade the beast.

They believed that the fire source beast wouldn't refuse such a favorable offer. According to the legend, the fire source beast was as intelligent as a young child.

Thus, they could offer him something really nice, and he would be too stupid to understand or refuse them.

It wouldn't be a big deal to allow the fire source beast to be the guardian of the darkness race. To put it bluntly, he would be nothing but a hit man.

When the darkness race encountered trouble, the fire source beast would be the first one sent out to deal with the problem.

The position of guardian existed solely to protect the darkness race.


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