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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4994

The array constructed of consecutive fire walls immediately began exploding.

Deafening booms echoed throughout as one wall after the other exploded, turning into a sea of fumes, seeing as they could not be destroyed. This was because they were made up of eight kinds of sacred fire.

Once the whole array had exploded, the three Lords of Darkness all looked towards the middle. To their great surprise, they found that the fire source beast was already long gone.

"He's over there!

He just used some sort of wicked escape skill to evade our encirclement!"

shouted one of the Lords of Darkness angrily.

The other two stared ahead intensely, noticing the huge body of the fire source beast appearing in the distance. He was rushing to the Fiery Eye at a break-neck speed.

"After him!"

The lords were astounded by the beast's audacity.

Without hesitation, they transformed into three beams of black radiance and chased after it.

Austin then arrived on site, just in time.

He had reached the Fiery Eye.

A large amount of sacred fire was spilling out of it.

The temperature was astonishing too. Waves of heat rolled out from it, causing anyone who got remotely close to sweat profusely.

'It seems this is the source of the eight kinds of sacred fire, just like the fire source beast said,'

Austin thought, studying the fire before him.

Dozens of demon guards of darkness followed closely behind him, and soon formed a circle, surrounding him.

"Well, well, there seems to be a Fiery Eye right in front of us. Ha-ha, you're doomed now! There are more sacred fires in there than outside of it.

Where could you possibly escape to now?"

The head demon guard laughed maniacally.

The aura that emitted from the Fiery Eye was far too dangerous to be underestimated.

Even the demon guards did not dare be so clumsy and reckless, as to try to break into it.

They thus drew the conclusion that it was even more impossible for Austin to break into it, based on his strength.

As they saw it, Austin had no way out now that he was stuck between them and the Fiery Eye.

They had not expected him to possess a fire-controlling skill capable of controlling all eight sacred fires at the same time.

Although there was much more sacred fire in the Fiery Eye than outside it, that was not a problem for Austin.

He was powerful enough now to move freely through the Eight Fires Valley without getting hurt.

He was confident that even though there were more sacred fires near the Fiery Eye, he would handle the situation just fine.

Despite not being afraid, Austin did not intend on entering it yet. Instead, he turned around and snarled at the dozens of demon guards surrounding him, his eyes beaming with murderous excitement.

He had recently learned the fire-controlling skill and was able to control eight kinds of sacred fire at the same time.

But he had not had the chance to practice what he'd mastered. He hadn't used this skill against an enemy yet, but now seemed as good a time as any to apply his newly acquired skills.

The numerous demon guards of darkness around him were the perfect test subjects for his new powers.

If they were somewhere else, Austin would not have dared face all these guards on his own.

Right now, however, they were smack-dab in the middle of the Eight Fires Valley.

There was an immense amount of sacred fire around; Austin clearly had the upper hand.

Most interesting was the divine fire constantly gushing from the Fiery Eye.

Austin had been absorbing a massive amount of sacred fire into the Fire Bead for quite some time. Because of this, the Fiery Eye had been working non-stop to replenish what he'd taken.

There was a great deal of fire in this very spot they were in.

A knowing, mischievous grin stretched across his handsome face. He knew this was the best place he could have asked for to demonstrate his fire-controlling skill.

"Hey you!

You seem awfully relaxed there, Austin. Seems like you're holding onto some sort of trump card.

I wouldn't be so cocky if I was you. Do you honestly think you can escape us?

We've already blocked your every route out of here.

Even if you were ten times stronger than you are now, you still would not be able to get away from us.


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