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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5001

"It was probably the wizards of the darkness race that figured out where you are.

Bartholomew must have personally asked them for help.

Looks like the Time Chamber Sect and the darkness race are getting closer to each other. They may have already formed an alliance,"

Austin responded after Winston informed him of the current situation.

"It certainly seems that way. Bartholomew is the most powerful among my five disciples. He must have been the one to discover my whereabouts.

He was the one who attacked me the most in the past,"

Winston replied, nodding with hatred burning in his eyes.

He had given a lot of effort in training his five disciples to become gods of chaos, and he took great pride in that. He had not expected them to then be the ones who would try to kill him, and get close to doing so.

The thought of it had sent him into a fury and he felt he could not calm himself down.


Just wait and see. You'll pay for what you did, sooner or later!"

The pained expression on Winston's face struck a nerve with Austin too, who bit down hard and gritted his teeth as his own anger began flaring.

Meanwhile, the Fallen Divine Valley had already left its original location and was flying off into the distance with great speed.

Winston was very familiar with the Absolute Space Sea.

He made sure to choose remote places to fly through especially, hoping to give them the best chance to put some distance between them and their pursuers.

At that moment, his five disciples were traveling through the Absolute Space Sea at an astonishing pace, rushing towards where the Fallen Divine Valley had once been.

They were not wasting any time.

Before long, they broke into the space where they thought the Fallen Divine Valley should be.

Bartholomew had learned of its location before they set out. The moment they broke into the space, he looked around anxiously.

But to his surprise, he found nothing there but empty space.

"Damn it!

He knew we were coming. He's already made his escape!"

Bartholomew cried out, his face darkening.

"What? We've been looking for him longer than I can remember. It took us ages to find him and now he's just run away? How can that be?"

The other four gods of chaos could not believe what was happening, roaring to the sky in their frustration.

"Don't worry. I ordered my men to keep a close watch on this and the surrounding spaces before we came here. If anyone escaped from here, they should be able to track them down.

I'm sure my men will find out where that old man is.

They are all gods of chaos,"

Bartholomew said slowly, deep in thought.

Coincidentally, when he finished speaking,

a god of chaos rushed over to them.

"Sir, we just saw a spatial treasure moving in that direction.

I've sent several men in pursuit,"

reported the god of chaos to Bartholomew.

"It has to be the old man. Go after him. Hold nothing back. I want him stopped.

He is very cunning. You must act fast or he'll get away again!"

Bartholomew shouted, barking his order furiously.


Winston's other four disciples were excited by the news.

How badly they yearned to kill him and put an end to all their troubles for good.

"Spread the word! I want everyone to hear my order.

Put all our men on tracking down that spatial treasure. Do not lose it!"

Bartholomew growled.

"Yes, sir!" responded the god of chaos firmly.

He turned around quickly and darted off dutifully.

"You are the best of the five of us, Bartholomew.

You've become a leader of the Time Chamber Sect. You're truly powerful and it's most impressive. We're very envious of you."


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