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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5002

With perfect control, the White Emperor steered the Fallen Divine Valley through several desolate places to try and avoid

Bartholomew's followers.

Over twenty gods of chaos were currently chasing them, trying to capture the Fallen Divine Valley.

They were all incredibly powerful. This whole time, all of their attention had been focused on tracking the White Emperor and they hadn't lost him yet.

"This is so annoying! They don't look like they're going to give up until they've caught me,"

the White Emperor complained, reading the gods of chaos with his spiritual sense.

"If I hadn't been injured, I would have no reason to fear them.

They are weaklings! They shouldn't be able to bully me!

This is awful!"

he added, sighing dramatically.

"You're right! At your peak, you could kill them all with just one finger.

And you wouldn't even have to kill them. You could outrun them if you could control the Fallen Divine Valley to the best of your ability,"

the infinity beast echoed.

"Master, how are you feeling now?"

Austin chimed in.

"Well, Austin... Not so great. So far, I have only regained about forty percent of my total strength,"

the White Emperor replied, sighing again.

"What?! Only forty percent?"

Austin exclaimed, spinning to face the White Emperor with shock plastered all over his face.

Currently, the White Emperor's strength was much stronger than an ordinary god of chaos'.

This was only forty percent of what he was capable of.

It was hard to imagine how powerful he could be at his peak.

"What can you do to fully recover?"

Austin asked.

If he were to make a complete recovery, the White Emperor would become a top master in the Absolute Space Sea. Then he would have no need to be afraid of anyone.

"I was badly injured. I have enough in me to recover to this point but it won't be easy to completely recover,"

the White Emperor answered, slumping his shoulders.

"He's right. His body and spiritual soul were seriously damaged. He almost lost his soul back there. Now it's too difficult for him to heal.

But there are some possibilities. If a few top masters used some legendary secret skills to restore his spiritual soul, he could bring his strength back to its peak state.

Or you could try to find some rare treasures that improve one's spiritual soul. That could help too.

However, these options are not likely,"

the infinity beast said, shaking his head.

"That's a shame,"

Austin replied, but deep inside, he felt his heart skip a beat.

Although the odds were stacked heavily against him, he might be able to make a miracle happen. After all, nothing was too difficult when one set their mind to it.

"Sir, what kind of top masters do you need to help my master recover his spiritual soul?"

Austin asked the infinity beast.

"If the three Lords of Reincarnation were still alive and were willing to help your master, that would be ideal.

The three Lords of Darkness could also help.

Or, if you were really desperate, the legendary old leaders of the Time Chamber Sect would come in handy too. If they were still alive, that is.

Unfortunately, the three Lords of Reincarnation have been missing for a very long time. Not even the people of the reincarnation race know whether they are alive or dead.

And the three Lords of Darkness and the old leaders of the Time Chamber Sect would never volunteer or be forced into helping your master recover.

This question is nothing but a waste of time,"

the infinity beast explained, looking at Austin gravely.


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