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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5047

"No way!

He actually destroyed one of the arrays!"

"The arrays which guard the ancestral temple are the most powerful ones in this entire cosmos.

He's broken through one of them. I don't believe it!"

"Dammit! We must report this immediately to the leaders!"

The governing gods, who had been ordered by the sixteen gods of chaos to guard Austin, were shocked at the sight of him breaking an array. They began shouting in panic. But one of them roared,

"Calm down!

There are hundreds of arrays still intact around us. This boy has only broken one. There's no need to make a fuss.

Before leaving, our leaders told us they were going to cultivate in seclusion. We shouldn't disturb them unless it's an emergency. Otherwise, it'll be our asses on the lines instead of his.

I think it's best that we don't make a hasty decision, wait, and see how many arrays he can break through.

Destroying one array is an achievement, I agree, but most likely a fluke of luck. Breaking through all of them is impossible,"

the governing god assured his companions. There was a momentary silence and then...

"He's right.

We were told not to disturb the gods of chaos unless it was something extremely important.

Let's wait a little while longer,"

another one of them agreed and the rest nodded as well.

They began to observe Austin's movements, waiting to see if he could break through any more arrays.

At this very moment, Austin was walking towards one of the arrays that lay farthest away from the temple.

'These arrays around the ancestral temple can be categorized into three levels, depending upon their distance from the temple.

Those that lie the closest are the strongest, and the farthest ones are the weakest.

I just broke through the weakest one of the lot. Let's see if I can do the same for a few others,"

he was thinking to himself.

He decided he was going to start with the weakest arrays at first and progress towards the stronger ones.

It was the most logical way.

Therefore, he walked up to another low-level array.

It was about as strong as the one he'd just destroyed.

He came to a halt in front of it and began to concentrate. After about two hours of focusing his mind, he strode through it easily.

"He destroyed another one!"

the three brothers of the ice source beast race and the water source beast shouted simultaneously. They were delighted at the scene.

"Damn it!

He made it through another one!"

The governing gods of the Array Cosmos began to panic.

Austin ignored them completely and continued walking forward, breaking one array after another.

It only took him a max of three or four hours to break down an array of the lowest level.

The outer periphery of the arrays consisted of the weakest ones and he found it easy to get through them.

However, there were so many arrays in the lot that half a month passed by very soon.

But eventually, Austin managed to break through all the outermost arrays.

Thousands of them were now lying in the dust like discarded confetti.


We must report to the gods of chaos now.

It's only been a fortnight but he's broken through thousands of our defenses.

If it goes on like this, he is going to break free soon enough.

Hurry up!

Let's go and report to the leaders right away!"

The governing gods were completely flustered now and about to leave for reporting to their leaders.

The gods of chaos were cultivating in seclusion in a place guarded by hundreds of arrays. These governing gods were the only ones who could get through.


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