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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5048

The following days saw Austin breaking through one array after another.

The second batch consisted of thousands of arrays, but Austin already understood how they worked.

He could now break through them with ease.

His companions, who had now simply stepped aside to leave everything to him, were amazed.

"Austin's breaking through these strong arrays like they were nothing!"

The three brothers of the ice source beast race, the water source beast, and the more than one hundred monks witnessing the proceedings held their breaths in nervous anticipation.

After all, whether they could leave this universe or not depended on Austin's strength.

The governing gods likewise watched nervously, but for a different reason.

"Damn it! Is it just me or is this brat's cultivation base of array becoming more and more powerful?!"

"You're right.

It seems he's been using the arrays in the ancestral temple to improve his array level!"

"We can't underestimate him.

If we don't stop him, he may be able to break all the arrays here!

We must immediately inform the gods of chaos.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The governing gods conferred among themselves in rising panic.

Several of them shortly left the area and headed straight for where the sixteen gods of chaos were.

They needed to be informed of what was happening.

Each of the sixteen gods of chaos had already retired to their own places to cultivate in seclusion.

They had already put Austin and the other creatures from the outside out of their minds,

believing Austin and his companions would be eternally trapped in the arrays around the ancestral temple anyway.

But now,

several governing gods had come to the secret room of one of the gods of chaos.

Their approach was immediately stopped by dozens of guards.


Our god of chaos is cultivating in seclusion! No one is allowed to approach without permission!"

"Sirs, we have something very important to report to him.

Please let us in,"

one of the governing gods pleaded anxiously.

"Well, what is it?

Tell me first and we will simply relay it if it's that important,"

one of the guards said firmly.

One of the governing gods gingerly stepped forward.

He leaned forward and narrated what had happened in the ancestral temple in discreet but urgent tones.

"I see. It's about those creatures from the outside.

Before he retired to his cultivation, the god of chaos did say that if there was any news related to them, we had to report to him immediately.

I shall go and do that right now. Please wait a moment,"

one of the guards said, bowing curtly.

He turned sharply and walked into the secret room.

A moment later,

the god of chaos burst out of the doors.

"Is what I heard true?!

That brat has broken through the arrays around the ancestral temple?!"

he demanded immediately.

"Yes, sir. We saw it with our very own eyes!

He's broken through thousands of them and he's still at it now,"

one of the governing gods whined.


The arrays around the ancestral temple are the most powerful in our universe!

How could one puny human break them? That's impossible!"

The god of chaos fixed the newcomers with a stare of utter disbelief.

"Fine, then. I shall see for myself!"

He took a step forward.

A moment later, he emerged at the space where the ancestral temple was located.


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