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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5085

What confused Austin and the fire source beast most was the dearth of strange creatures nearby. They had encountered many along the way, but after arriving in front of the mountain, they found themselves alone. There was no sign of life around them.

"I can sense that the creatures came down from this mountain. This is most definitely their lair,"

the fire source beast frowned.

This space was filled with sacred fire, so his spiritual sense was much stronger than Austin's.

"If you say so."

Austin nodded lightly. He couldn't comment since he was unable to see too far through this sea of fire.

"Let's go and take a look!" he added after thinking for a while.

The duo continued towards the mountain in front of them, with Austin in lead

and the fire source beast close behind.

After a while, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Apart from a lack of life-forms, they also noticed that the sacred fire was decreasing as they drew further along.

And here, at the foot of the mountain, it was almost gone.

Instead, it looked like they had entered an expanse of darkness now, with no light to guide them.

A cold fog shrouded the area around them, covering the heaven and the earth from view. It was a cold and dark place.

Searching for a way up, Austin and the fire source beast discovered a road that led up the mountain and immediately took it.

Their surroundings had gone eerily quiet, as if they were walking under the shade of the night.

The fog was getting denser with each of their steps.

No animals or creatures were in sight, and the road was covered in moss. But under the dense fog, even the green moss seemed to have turned a sickly shade and the whole place looked dead and desolate.

It was hard to tell how long it had been since someone had last trodden upon this road.

And yet, Austin and the fire source beast felt like hundreds of eyes were watching them climb the mountain.

"Be careful. The atmosphere feels weird,"

the fire source beast warned Austin softly.

"You're right."

Austin nodded.

All signs that life had once thrived in this place, if it ever had, were long gone.

Austin and the beast eventually arrived at a hillside.

They saw various buildings, pavilions, terraces, and palaces up here, cleverly crafted to blend with the mountain and stay upright for a long while.

In fact, all signs pointed to this being a very prosperous and thriving settlement once.

But whatever this place was, its life was long gone. The buildings had lost their color with ages of decay. They were riddled with cracks everywhere, as if they would turn into dust at any time.

"Huh! This is incredible! For so many years, I thought that this world had been forgotten. I never expected to once again see a living creature in front of me, let alone two."

Suddenly, a voice full of shock rang out from in front of them.

Austin and the fire source beast immediately turned towards the source.

They saw a lone, young man sitting cross legged on a giant stone. He wasn't too far away from one of the palaces and it was safe to assume that the building was his.

He was wearing an ancient and faded robe, and his aura felt incredibly old.

He had a handsome and sharply defined face, with eyebrows like swords, and eyes as bright as the stars.

He was holding a gourd in his hand, and a smell of wine was floating out from it, intoxicating anyone who breathed even a whiff. Clearly, the wine was very powerful and old.

"Ha-ha-ha! Welcome, my guests! I have been alone in this forgotten world for a very long time and finally, I can have company today."

The young man stood up slowly and smiled at the two newcomers. He seemed genuinely ecstatic at their arrival.

However, Austin and the fire source beast were on high alert after seeing the young man.

It didn't make any sense. This mountain was supposed to be the lair of the creatures they had encountered on their way. But instead, all they could see was this young man sitting alone and drinking wine.

They wasted no time in releasing their spiritual senses to perceive this unknown host.

The result shocked them severely.

They checked and re-checked but there could be no doubt about it. This was no illusion.

The young man was a real flesh and blood based human being!

Both of their spiritual senses had yielded the same result.


How can a human being still be alive here?


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