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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5086

As they examined the illusory mountain, Austin and the fire source beast could see a large number of strange creatures packed onto it. According to Henrik, they all belonged to the ghost race.

After a couple moments, it seemed that they noticed Austin and the fire source beast looking at them and they stared back with vicious eyes, releasing shrill cries.

"We didn't see this illusory mountain when we were climbing.

But as soon as Henrik told us about it, it appeared in front of us.

There must be something wrong with him!"

the fire source beast told Austin telepathically.

"I think you're right. It's all very strange,"

Austin replied, nodding.

"My friends, I advise you not to provoke the ghost race. They are difficult to deal with. Unless it's necessary, you should avoid crossing paths with them,"

Henrik warned.

"And while we're at it, you'd be better off staying in the Yang World and drinking wine with me. It's more comfortable,"

he added with a smile.

"We are here to look for the ghost race. We are going to kill all those disgusting creatures,"

the fire source beast replied in a determined voice.

"Are you going to stop us from doing that?"

He stared at Henrik with sharp eyes, waiting for his answer.

"Why would I stop you? I'm glad that you're here to destroy them.

They are absolutely gross and I've been tired of them for so long.

If you want to get rid of them, go ahead.

But know that they are tough. You'll have to be careful,"

Henrik said without hesitation.

His answer was not what Austin and the fire source beast had been expecting.

What was Henrik's true identity?

Why was he here?

Austin and the fire source beast exchanged a slightly worried look. They had no answers for these important questions.

"How about we take him down and interrogate him?"

Austin suggested to the fire source beast after thinking for a while.

"I can't perceive his real strength at all

which means that he must be very powerful.

If we fight him, he might be able to overpower us,"

the fire source beast replied.

"I haven't been able to figure out his real strength either."

Austin glanced at the ground and frowned.

"But he must be incredibly strong to be living here.

I think we should wait and see what he wants to do first,"

Austin said.

"I agree. That's a good plan,"

the fire source beast responded, nodding in agreement.

Henrik couldn't hear a word that they were saying because Austin and the fire source beast were conversing using their telepathy.

"First, we need to clear up some things. We're all in the Fiery Eye in the depths of the Eight Fires Valley. This is the world where the fire source beasts' ancestors lived. How are you here if you're a human being?

You said that you have been on this mountain for a long time. Why are you here anyway? With your strength, it shouldn't be difficult for you to leave this place and go into the outside.

Tell us the reason, please,"

Austin said calmly, looking at Henrik.

"So you want to hear my story?"

Henrik asked, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Yes, please,"

Austin replied, nodding.

"Then let's sit down and I'll treat you to some of my wine.

You can listen to my story while drinking.

My wine pairs well with my story,"

Henrik said, turning around and heading in the direction of a nearby pavilion.


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