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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5087

"Come on, drink up! Enjoy this wine while you give heed to my tale from the past."

Henrik poured another glass for Austin and the fire source beast, respectively, before pouring one for himself.

With a look of sorrow, he raised his glass and downed every last drop of it. Afterward, he continued narrating his story.

"In those days, I was a talented scholar in the county, and Beth, who was inherently beautiful, looked as lovely as a blossoming flower. Our story was a tale of intellect and beauty.

Nonetheless, all this changed on that fateful day.

A man claiming himself to be a powerful cultivator chanced upon Beth and was instantly smitten by her charm and pretty face. For that reason, he took out a considerable amount of money and went straight to meet her family. Right there and then, he sought consent if he could ask Beth's hand for marriage.

After seeing the pile of cash, her parents were enticed to concur with the proposal. In the end, they reached an agreement for her to marry that man.

However, both Beth and I had shared a strong connection, so she vehemently refused to marry him, even if her life depended on it.

Needless to say, I also tracked down the cultivator, but when I finally confronted him, he beat me black and blue to such an extent that I almost died.

On the night of their marriage ceremony, Beth could no longer carry the heavy burden in her heart. She decided to end her life by hanging herself in the middle of the bedroom.

It infuriated the man, and to his intense anger, he massacred every single member of her family!

The moment this news reached me, I was in a state of shock. I couldn't bring myself to eat or drink for three consecutive days. Wrath and resentment filled my heart! I was so devastated I didn't know what to do.

At this point, from nowhere, the cultivator decided to show up before my eyes and demanded me if I had any intention to retaliate and kill him.

He also added that with my strength alone, I wouldn't stand a chance in avenging Beth's death, so he wanted to give me a free rein. According to his explanation, if I entertained an adequate amount of dark thoughts in my heart, a demon would possess my body. Once I had slain enough innocent civilians, he might then allow me to finish him. Afterward, he would return Beth's remains to me.

I don't know what came over me that I listened and entertained his suggestion. That night, I decided to start my revenge plot in honor of Beth. With the help of this man, I succeeded in becoming a demon.

I slaughtered all living creatures located within a hundred miles from my location, including that man.

After gratifyingly taking that man's life and taking vengeance for Beth's behalf, I glanced around and found a lot of corpses scattered all over the ground with a feeling of regret. But my heart was already full of evil intent and severe affliction by then. I was in a half-demon, half-human state.

Since then, after taking Beth's corpse with me, I had vowed to stay distant from the mortal world.

Until one day, I accidentally ended up in this space full of divine fire. With no other better option for a place to stay, I was determined to make this place my home.

This is the story of my life."

After Henrik finished his accounts of the past, he poured another glass and swigged the wine in big gulps. He was ostensibly engrossed in his past miseries, unable to unshackle his mind from the old days' affliction single-handedly.

'A half-demon, half-human state?'

Even after hearing out Henrik's retelling, both Austin and the fire source beast still had many unanswered questions deep within them.

The story they just heard was probably not entirely true, and it wasn't easy to distinguish which parts were actual or not.

Henrik's identity was a bit too obscure, so how could Austin and the fire source beast possibly believe him by merely listening to his words?

"The fire source beast race originally reputed this place as their turf. Upon your arrival in this world, what did you see?

Who in their right minds would aggressively intrude on my native land?

Could it be the ghost race?

What exactly is your association with the ghost race?"

grilled the fire source beast in succession.

"Do you want to meet Beth?"

Henrik rejoined, ignoring the barrage of questions being hurled his way.


Baffled, Austin, and the fire source beast didn't know how to react.

Before they could make a statement, Henrik was already waving his hand.


Almost instantly, a unique crystal coffin came into view beside him.

A noble and pretty young woman with a sharply defined face was lying inside the transparent casket.

The girl was indeed attractive with a closer look, her face like a blooming white rose, fresh and pure.

"Look here, Beth! I want to introduce you to my friends. After waiting for so many years, I have finally had visitors."

With an enchanted gaze, Henrik spoke while staring at the girl in the crystal coffin. His voice was very gentle and full of tenderness.

Meanwhile, inside the coffin, the girl's eyes were closed, and there was no response. Although she looked lifelike, her body showed no signs of life. It was indeed a corpse.

A shocking trace of red ligature marks was noticeable on the girl's neck. It seemed to indicate that she hanged herself using a rope.

Apparently, this girl committed suicide by hanging herself!


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