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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5197

Not long after, almost all the members from the darkness race that lived in the lair were dead. Bodies scattered the ground and pools of blood gathered at their feet.

The only members who were spared were the extremely weak creatures and those who had never cultivated.

"Great. Let's head straight to the next lair. There are more members of the darkness race to kill!

And we need to destroy as many lairs as possible before their senior leaders find out. This will be the best opportunity we have for getting our revenge!"

the infinity beast exclaimed.

"Yes! I couldn't agree more!"

Crosby smiled and nodded.

During the war years back, the darkness race had nearly wiped out the reincarnation race and they had been harboring hatred ever since. Now that they had an opportunity to avenge themselves, Crosby was anxious to keep going.

He led the reincarnation army out of the lair and they rushed to the lair next to it.

Before they had gone to the first lair, Crosby had dispersed his spies to locate and target several lairs that belonged to the darkness race.

Now, their path was laid out for them.

Soon, they arrived at another of the darkness race's lairs.

Austin walked inside first

and he released his spiritual sense to see what they were up against.

They had arrived at the No. 67 lair of the darkness race.

It was not much stronger than the No. 60 had been.

Using his spiritual sense, Austin discovered the auras of nearly sixty gods of chaos. It wasn't too many for them to handle.

With his hands behind his back, Austin headed right over to them.

All of the gods of chaos in the lair lived in seclusion in the same space

because the space had the strongest energy and law of darkness in the entire lair.

Austin reached the outside of it in no time.

"Members from the darkness race, come out and meet your doom!"

Austin yelled in a booming voice.

"Who is it?"

Moments later, the gods of chaos from the darkness race exited their secret rooms where they were cultivating in seclusion and ran to see what the commotion was.

"Brat, who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Hold on. He looks familiar!"

"Yes! I know! That's Austin!"

Before long, all the gods of chaos from the darkness race were pointing and shouting at Austin.

"Yes. And you're all gods of chaos! Now that you're here, you can go to hell!"

Austin shouted, sweeping his narrowed eyes over all the gods of chaos.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The moment he was finished speaking, over one hundred worlds of mind power rushed out from his body. They burst forward and engulfed all the gods of chaos.

It happened so fast that they couldn't see what it was. Soon, all the gods of chaos were suppressed in Austin's worlds of mind power, unable to move.

"Where are we?"

Slowly, they realized that they had been teleported away from their lair and they started to panic, running around like headless chickens.

"They are all suppressed.

You can come out now!"

Austin sent a message to Crosby and the others. They had been waiting outside of the lair for their signal.

"Everyone, head inside!"

With a wave of his hand, Crosby led the reincarnation army into the lair of the darkness race.

"Kill the members of the darkness race and destroy the lair!"

Crosby roared.

Running next to the infinity beast and the fire source beast, Crosby rushed into Austin's worlds of mind power and started attacking the scared gods of chaos.

Several gods of chaos from the reincarnation army joined them, swarming around the members from the darkness race and cornering them.


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