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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5198

"You make a good point.

I think that the reincarnation race will wait a while before they declare war on our race.

I know those three old men like the back of my hand. They are always cautious and they would never fight a battle unprepared,"

the first Lord of Darkness replied, nodding his head slowly.

"Since we can't figure out what is happening, we could always ask Cain to do some deduction for us,"

another of them suggested.


The other two nodded their heads in agreement.

"Someone go and summon Cain! We need him for an important task,"

one of them ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

a god of chaos that was standing along the wall replied, bowed respectfully, and scampered off to collect Cain.

Like all the other respected wizards in the darkness race, Cain resided in the No. 2 lair.

"These days, I often wonder how our master is doing,"

a Lord of Darkness said once the god of chaos was gone, sighing softly and furrowing his brow.

"I do too.

During the war, our race indeed defeated the reincarnation race and shattered the road of reincarnation. Because of that, we were able to weaken their forces enough to beat them. However, our master was seriously injured in his battle with Zeke and nobody has seen him since,"

another Lord of Darkness said, looking forlornly into the distance.

"Yes. When the war was over, our master sent me a message through his spiritual sense that asked the three of us to settle the affairs of our race.

He also said that he needed to find someplace to heal himself.

I haven't heard from him since that day.

I wish I knew what condition he is in now,"

the third Lord of Darkness added.

"We have tried many times entering the No. 1 lair to search for him, but we can never find any traces.

Did he go somewhere else to heal his wounds?"

one of them asked, looking at his companions like he expected them to know the answer.

"That's the thing. Nobody knows."

"All we can do is hope that our master is still alive and has fully recovered. It's the only way that our race can continue to dominate the Absolute Space Sea,"

another Lord of Darkness said.

"And what do you think happened to Zeke?

Did he truly die?

If he is still alive, it would be detrimental to our race,"

the third Lord of Darkness pointed out.

"You're right."

The other two looked down at the floor and frowned deeply.

"What do you wish for me to do, my lords?"

Their heads snapped up and they spotted Cain entering the palace. He walked over to them at a very slow pace and he lowered himself to the floor, sitting down cross-legged.

"Recently, five of our race's lairs were destroyed.

Cain, we need you to deduce what has happened and see who is attacking our race,"

one of the Lords of Darkness said.

"Okay. I'll start right away!"

Cain replied, nodding and closing his eyes.

Then, he raised his arm and flicked his sleeve forward. From it, a black altar emerged and landed with a quiet thump in front of him.

On the altar, there were some turtle shells and an old bamboo tube that held dozens of bamboo sticks.

After everything was set up, Cain started deducing.

His fingers began to dance like tiny, charmed snakes, quickly forming various mysterious seals. At the same time, dark runes materialized one after another and flew into the surrounding space.


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