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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 584

After Austin finished Seth off, he looked around and found that all the other disciples from the Ghost Sect were already dead.

Meanwhile, Violet had already brought more than 100 corpse soldiers under her control.

However, most of the corpse soldiers and corpse generals were damaged during the fight and could no longer function as intended.

With just one glance, Austin roughly estimated that more than 500 corpse soldiers were left on the battlefield.

While for the 100 corpse generals that he was controlling, only 85 remained functioning while the other 15 were already destroyed.

Austin looked at Seth's dead body once again. He searched Seth's body for loots and was surprised to find a dozen of corpse nourishing bags inside the latter's Space Ring.

A corpse nourishing bag was good enough for 20 corpse generals.

Seth must have been carrying those bags with him to nourish more corpse generals.

Austin took the bags and put his 85 corpse generals into them.

When all was set, he turned around and glanced at a guy sharply.

"Ha-ha, Jaime, you bastard! I bet you didn't expect that this day would come!"

Jaime was now surrounded by Theon and five Elders from Sun Sect. He couldn't move a finger, afraid that one wrong move could bring his demise.

Amid the difficult situation, he looked back and regretted his rash decision of defecting to Ghost Sect. Ghost Sect was once believed to become the ruler of Violet Orchid Empire. Thus, he had eagerly joined the Ghost Sect, dreaming that one day he could accomplish great deeds and be awarded high position inside the sect.

However, things didn't go as he planned. He miscalculated everything, thus, made the wrong decision of joining the Ghost Sect.

Now, even Seth was slaughtered by Austin.

He knew that he wouldn't survive if he tried to fight back.

It was not only Austin who was after his head but also the disciples from the Sun Sect.

Jaime was considered a traitor by leading the disciples of Ghost Sect to storm the Sun Sect and killing its disciples mercilessly. Now, he became a mortal enemy of the Sun Sect.

Being surrounded, he was not at an advantage. Everyone surrounding him would want him either dead or alive. He was left with no choice but to keep silent.

He knew at this moment, everything that he would say or do would not give him the upper hand.

Seeing Austin's resentful glances, Jaime knew that today would be his death.

"Ha ha! Twat, it's me that hatched a plot against you and made you a moron.

I should have killed you then when I had a chance! You just become trouble for me!

Don't act like your hands are not tinted by blood! You murdered Braxton! I will hunt you down and avenge him even if I die today and become a ghost!"

Accepting his doomed destiny, Jaime roared and laughed at the same time out of desperation and sadness. He looked at Austin with great resentment.

"You'll never change.

Jaime, did our Sun Sect ever do anything wrong to you?

You were revered as an Elder of the Sun Sect and by all disciples. Did you ever feel wronged or belittled while living with us?

When enemies stormed our headquarters and our safety was in danger, you defected to our enemies instead of killing them and defending those who loved and depended on you. You should be ashamed of yourself!"

He shouted at Jaime as soon as he saw the latter's face. Theon could not control his emotions and just let it out.

"Fuck you! Don't bullshit me. Human strives hard to move up.

I served the Sun Sect for decades! I may not be the best, but I considered myself as the most hardworking one!

Theon, you're younger than me! You're even behind me in the sect's hierarchy. But why did the last Sect Leader choose you as his successor before he retired?

I got nothing despite my hard work and perseverance, while you had everything! I had to follow your orders like a dog! Why?"

Jaime said furiously.

"Jaime, I don't understand! You wanted to be a leader?"

Elder Jiang flushed angrily and asked in surprise.

"I must say, you're making me laugh, Jaime! You're unqualified to be a leader of Sun Sect and you know that!


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