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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 585

A feeling of relief and joy surged through Austin's veins at the sight of Jaime's dead body.

The thought of how the last three years he had been living his life like an idiot crept into his mind. He couldn't help but sigh.

Now, Jaime, the culprit, was finally brought to justice. He had taken his vengeance on him.

"Austin, you finally managed to take revenge and settle your old scores!"

A figure came to Austin and said softly.

He was Murray, the steward of the Sun Sect.

"Austin, you have reached such a high level, I never expected that you could achieve such tremendous achievements."

Austin's delicate face reminded him of the days when he found him, he was just a vagrant child wandering around on the streets.

Yet Austin had reached the pinnacle within just six to seven years, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

Now his strength was much stronger than the leaders of five major sects.

As Murray recalled the memories, he became emotional as joy and happiness welled up in his heart.

"Ha ha, in those days without your care and cultivation, I would be nobody today."

Austin expressed his gratitude to Murray.

For Austin, Murray was both his master and father.

So he wanted to come back and see Murray, which was also one of his reasons for rescuing the Sun Sect from a siege.

At the same time, Theon and the five Elders had organized some disciples to clean the battlefield.

The Sun Sect had suffered a great loss this time, a lot of disciples died while many of the buildings were ruined.

A heavy smell of blood permeated everywhere, making the entire Sun Mountain smell as bad as hell.

It would take a tremendous amount of work for the Sun Sect to recover to what it used to be.

After arranging people to deal with the aftermath of the battle, Theon and five other Elders witnessed Austin kill Jaime in the most savage method, pounding him to death with his fists.

Theon and the other five Elders walked towards Austin.

"Austin, this time you single-handedly saved the whole Sun Sect.

Otherwise, the Sun Sect would have been eliminated today.

On behalf of the Sun Sect, I'd like to express my sincerest gratitude to you.

By the way, as a follow up to our previous conversation, how about you consider returning to the Sun Sect?

I am willing to abdicate my position and let you take the post as the Sun Sect leader if you are willing to come back.

So I suggest for you to be crowned the new Sun Sect Leader, how about that?"

Theon asked in anticipation.


Austin and the other five Elders and steward Murray were caught off guard by the request; they could not wrap their heads around the direction the conversation was taking; they were shocked at his words.

'Will Theon give up the position of the Sun Sect Leader just because he wants Austin to return to Sun Sect?' Everyone wondered.

"Austin, truth be told, your cultivation base is good enough for you to be the Sun Sect Leader.

I feel ashamed to say that compared to you; I am far worse.

You are the only one qualified to lead the Sun Sect and restore its strength to its former glory, what it used to be hundreds of years ago."

Theon's tone was very earnest.

"Sect Leader Theon, you are exaggerating. I am more like a wild stock or floating cloud, I am a recluse and I have got used to my leisurely life, being a Sect Leader is not an option for me.

And I will leave the Violet Orchid Empire soon."

Austin responded.

"Oh, will you leave the Violet Orchid Empire?

Where will you go?"


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