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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 622

"I knew you would agree! I'll stick to my promise. You have my word!" Sissi cried, her voice full of glee.

Now that she had achieved her goal, she became relaxed and satisfied.

"I know my safety is completely assured now that you're going to be my bodyguard. You're the strongest person I can count on." Sissi complimented Austin, unable to hide her excitement. She felt like she had crossed an abyss to get Austin to agree, but it was worth it; she truly felt safe and sound now.

Austin grinned sheepishly at her praise. "A promise is a promise. Since I've pledged my service to you, I won't take my eyes off you for even a second. I hope I can escort you back to the sect without facing any threats."

After all the arrangements had been made, the Cyan Sect disciples checked on their belongings one last time and prepared to set off. Sissi talked to Austin for some time, but she soon became tired because of her injuries. After politely excusing herself, she withdrew back to her carriage and lowered the blinds of the window. Austin guessed that she was treating her injuries using her vital energy in there.

Being the guard of the group, Austin found a higher spot in the valley within the eyesight of the group and inspected the territory. Since he had accepted Sissi's offer, he wanted to attend to his work immediately.

While looking down around the valley, he couldn't help thinking about the Vital Energy Cleansing Pool. If it was really as potent as the Cyan Sect members claimed, then he should take the risk and leap at the chance to explore that magical pool.

The Golden Sun Scripture he had been cultivating so far required a massive amount of vital energy. The higher the stage, the more vital energy it required. Now, Austin found it difficult to upgrade to the next stage. Something that could provide him with more energy and speed up his cultivation process was just what he needed at the moment.

Lost in thought, Austin sat down and absentmindedly watched the men of the Cyan Sect digging a hole and burying those who were killed in the battle.

He could sense that the group was exchanging words of doubt and suspicion about him. But helpless in the face of his power, they had no way but to accept Sissi's decision. Since their strength was at a level that was way lower than Austin's level, they wouldn't be able to stand up to enemies' attacks as Austin could. Some of them even felt gratitude toward Austin since he had saved them from disaster just now.

In particular, the man with the shield, after gauging the situation thoroughly, came to the realization that Austin was their only hope of getting back to the sect alive. Although the pool was important, staying alive was more important than that. "Tessa, we've really underestimated this young man's ability," he said to Tessa.

The bruise on his cheek from the battle had begun to turn a dark shade of blue.

Grinning awkwardly, he continued, "If it hadn't been for you, I would have offended him and gotten myself killed. If you think about it, death can come so easily to a person." He was still in terror from the battle he had just survived.

Another man in black overheard his comment and joined their conversation.

"That's what I think as well. The strength of the young man is indeed unbelievable. I wonder what kind of man would be able to withstand his blow," he said.


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