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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 623

In the vast mountain range, a team of carriage from the Cyan Sect was winding forward. Both Austin and Tessa were on horses, following the carriage team.

"Austin, I envy you so much. The Spirits Purification Pool is a place that all the disciples of our sect dream to enter. I never expected that an outer disciple like you would have gotten such an opportunity,"

Tessa uttered, looking at Austin.

Tessa was very much disposed towards him, so although she was jealous that he was given such a chance, she was happy for him too.

"Ha-ha! I'm such a lucky dog! But if you want, I can pass this opportunity to you. I have no problem with that."

Austin offered, and a genuine smile flashed on his face.

"Forget it. You deserve it because you are a competent man. I'm not going to take that chance away from you.

Austin, since your combat skills are already superb, if you soak in the Spirits Purification Pool for some time, your power and strength will improve significantly. I can't imagine how more powerful you will be then."

Tessa gazed at Austin's face with admiration. She wondered how he had reached a high cultivation level at such a young age.

"Austin, you're so excellent. If I'm a little younger, I might have been charmed by you,"

Tessa joked.

"You're not old at all,"

Austin answered half-jokingly.

Tessa's cheeks turned pinkish red upon hearing his remarks.

"Tessa, is the Holy Daughter influential in the Cyan Sect?

I am hoping. Otherwise, I came here for nothing."

Austin asked as the question suddenly occurred to him.


Although the Holy Daughter is young, she is very much respected in our sect.

If the Sect Leader or the elders don't object, whatever she says, counts."

Tessa was quite taken aback by Austin's question, but she immediately answered after thinking for a short while.

"That means if the Sect Leader or the elders don't agree, I will not be given a chance to enter the Spirits Purification Pool?"

A complex expression flashed on Austin's face.

"Austin, don't overthink. You were able to make a great contribution to our sect when you safely escorted the Holy Daughter back. I think the Sect Leader and the elders won't prohibit you from entering the Spirits Purification Pool,"

Tessa explained, trying to comfort him.

"I hope so.

Otherwise... Hmph! I'm not that gullible. If they don't agree, I will break in the Spirits Purification Pool no matter how!"

Austin exclaimed in a viciously determined tone.

Tessa was shocked at his sudden stubbornness. She immediately said, "Austin, don't think that way.

Our Cyan Sect is a prominent sect which ranks first or second in the Elite Holy Kingdom. Even in the whole South Continent, it is very influential.

I know you're strong. However, the Sky Realm is not the highest cultivation level in our sect, and some outstanding disciples can easily reach this realm. They might overpower you.

The steward of our sect with the lowest cultivation base has already reached the preliminary stage of the Imperial Realm, and most of our elders have reached the Master Realm.

Besides, it's said that our Sect Leader has already reached the Astral Realm.

To be frank, it is not a good idea to provoke the Cyan Sect."

Tessa earnestly persuaded Austin, worried that he would do something impulsive. She had been treating him as her younger brother, so she didn't want him to ruin his future for being stubborn and reckless.

After Austin met Angus and the Flame Emperor, he had learned that after the Sky Realm, there were still higher levels of cultivation: Imperial Realm, Master Realm, and Astral Realm etc. respectively.


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