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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 624

Austin and the people of the Cyan Sect had been attacked the past few days continuously. But since the best cultivators among the attackers were only at the premium stage of the Sky Realm, Austin battled them without any difficulty.

When the members of the Cyan Sect witnessed Austin kill the enemies at the Sky Realm, they marveled at his strength and meanwhile, they were ashamed of themselves.

Although Sissi had reached the preliminary stage of the Imperial Realm, she wasn't sure if she could handle those Sky Realm cultivators as easily as Austin.

She inferred that the lad's combat skills would be much higher than hers once he broke through the preliminary stage of the Imperial Realm.

She was fully aware that Austin was much more talented than her in martial arts.

Five days later, two middle-aged Imperial Realm masters showed up and blocked their path.

One was at the preliminary stage, and the other was at the medium stage. Both of them looked stern and dangerous.

"All of you are dead except for the Holy Daughter!" one intruder at the medium stage of the Sky Realm shouted coldly, lifting his head up. He was short and thin with a pair of piercing eyes.

'Among those people of the Cyan Sect, the Imperial Realm has the highest cultivation, and she is at the preliminary stage of the Imperial Realm. But now, she is badly injured, and the rest is very easy to take care of, ' he amusingly said to himself.

His companion blasted a laugh and said with a lewd expression, "Holy Daughter is sacred and pure. I can finally have a chance to go near and have some fun with her."

"How dare you!"

"Shut up, you despicable man!"

The group of Cyan Sect berated the man indignantly. After all, the Holy Daughter was a superior and sacred person in their sect. They couldn't allow anyone to defy or insult her.

The middle-aged man at the preliminary stage of the Sky Realm snickered and declared defiantly, "You're going to die, and yet you're still so perky. Go to hell!"

He activated his vital energy and formed a huge black palm in front of him. The palm shot towards the people of the Cyan Sect and destroyed everything on its way.

No one from the Cyan Sect could withstand the strike. All of them had chosen to run away from the palm, and some weak maids who were freaked out even broke down and cried.

Austin took a stride forward and stopped in front of the crowd of Cyan Sect. Narrowing his eyes, he displayed his Brutal Blast Fist and two fist forces filtrated into that black palm. At the same time, he formed two swords of vital energy, and they came at the center of the palm like two fire dragons.


Austin finally resisted the Imperial Realm master's attack with his Brutal Blast Fist and sword of vital energy. The violent shock wave of vital energy force swept through the woods like a category three hurricane and devastated everything within its reach.

Austin stepped back, smiling bitterly inside. 'It looks like I can't match the cultivator at the preliminary stage of the Imperial Realm.'

"You guys evacuate right now. There is a path on the left, and it leads to an exit.

I'll take care of them,"

Austin instructed the people of Cyan Sect.

All of them were surprised at his words. 'Is he planning to handle two Imperial Realm masters alone?' they wondered.

Austin's response irritated the two middle-aged Imperial Realm cultivators.

"Don't think so highly of yourself. Do you think you can take us out on your own? That's ridiculous," the grumpy one at the medium stage of Sky Realm shouted at Austin furiously.

Vigorous vital energy gushing out from his hands beamed in cyan light. It started to form a cyan swirl with a diameter of ten meters over his palm and moved towards Austin.

With a wave of his hand, Austin fended off the attack. He concentrated his mind and exerted his Demon-creating Skill. Seconds later, a spiritual demon appeared in the Soul Sea of the cultivator at the medium stage of Imperial Realm.

Since he had to handle the demon in his Soul Sea, the guy at the medium stage of Imperial Realm stopped his next attack.

"If you want to live, get out of here right now,"

Austin reminded the Cyan Sect disciples who stood still, not moving an inch when he told them to evacuate.

He didn't fear the two Imperial Realm cultivators. But to defeat them, he needed to use his powerful trump card which he didn't want others to know. So, he urged the people of Cyan Sect to leave.

"Let's go!"

Sissi's voice resonated from the fancy carriage. Upon hearing her instruction, all the rest headed towards that path Austin had told them. Tessa remained standing on the path even when her companions had fled and were out of sight. She turned to look at Austin with hesitant eyes.

"If you don't want to cause me any trouble, leave now."


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