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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 638

As the team marched on, the woods began to grow dark around them. There was a nervous tension among the group members, a kind of unease that everyone shared. It increased as the night fell. Everyone held their weapons more tightly as if trying to ease the tension.

In the dimly-lit forest, people's sight was limited, and their senses dulled. Even a good fighter would find it hard to perform his best under these circumstances. As the Meng Clan was traveling in the darkness, their speed had reduced, thus making them vulnerable.

Many beasts and demons, on the other hand, were born to survive and thrive during the night as the darkness served to sharpen their senses.

As Mance often said, the night was the perfect stage for beasts and demons to attack and kill.

"Let's camp here!"

Marwell's deep voice came from in front of the line. Now that the night had fully fallen, he knew that it was unsafe to continue traveling. After careful consideration, he halted and gave the order.

Hearing Marwell's words, members of the Meng Clan stopped and began to put up their tents. After a while, they had occupied a clearing in the woods.

After that, the men started to build simple fortifications around the area. It was obvious that the Meng Clan were experienced with camping in the wild.

Austin could not do much when it came to things like this—he had little experience with camping. And so, he sat in the carriage and watched the busy men.

"Austin, you ought to be more careful at night in these kinds of woods, you know," Mance approached him and said.

"Things might get easier tomorrow. We only have a half day of travel left before we leave this dark forest," he said.

Mance seemed to be in the mood for a chat after ensuring that the work was done.

"I will. Don't worry,"

Austin nodded and said with a smile.

"Well, here is the thing, bro. I was wondering if you would watch Joyce tonight,"

Mance asked, quite suddenly but sincerely while looking at the cute, little girl who had also come to Austin's side to play with him.

Truth be told, Patriarch Marwell wasn't the only one who appreciated Austin. Mance too could somehow feel that this young man was not ordinary. Although he was traveling with them, the leaders hadn't figured out why they felt like this about Austin. Perhaps he was a hidden master or a powerful cultivator.

"Rest assured, Mance. I'll look after her. She'll be fine,"

Austin replied with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks so much!"

Mance cupped his hands and nodded to express his gratitude.

Austin had been calm and composed during the journey. He never showed any signs of panic regardless of what challenges they encountered. This led Mance to believe that the young man was extraordinary.

After all, most men of Austin's age could barely hide their fear after learning that five or six beasts of level nine were at their heels.

Austin was clearly not one of them. Mance never saw a worried expression on the young man's face, which spoke volumes about his character. It also justified their confidence in Austin.

So, when Austin agreed to protect Joyce, Mance felt assured. Joyce was such a lovely girl that every member of the Meng Clan adored her. Mance certainly wanted her to be safe since he also liked the girl very much.

Soon, everything was shrouded in darkness. It was pitch dark in the woods, and almost nothing could be seen around the campsite. Even though they had built a fire, it only lit up a limited area around them. Beyond that, it was endlessly dark.

After grabbing a bite, everyone began meditating. They sat still in a circle surrounded by the fence they had made. Each member tightly gripped their swords and remained on alert.

One could see the tightness around everyone's mouth. Apart from nervousness, anger and hatred could also be seen on their faces. Being hunted by these creatures for so many days had infuriated and frustrated everyone.

Soon, the whole campsite was eerily quiet. No one spoke or walked, only the occasional sound of crackling fire could be heard.

Then the fog rose. It formed a white curtain that hung over the whole woods, making it harder to sense dangers.

Nothing happened for quite a long time. However, about two hours later, a kind of murderous and dangerous aura crept upon the Meng Clan members from all sides.

"They're coming!" Austin opened his eyes with a start.

Unleashing his spiritual sense, Austin discovered that they were already surrounded by many beasts, who were now looming in the distance. As the seconds passed, the encirclement narrowed as those beasts drew nearer. Soon, they would be surrounded in a tight ring by those monsters.

"Well, well, I can smell the danger of six powerful beasts among them, just as expected,"

Austin murmured after detecting carefully. His eyes shone brightly as a sense of excitement coursed through him.

"Attention, everyone! Take your weapons! Our guests are coming."

Before Austin could warn the members, Marwell's low, firm voice filled the clearing. Many were shocked out of drowsiness when they heard the order.

Austin was very impressed by Marwell. He never thought that the patriarch's spiritual sense was powerful enough to perceive the danger so quickly.

People rose and took up their weapons. They were wide awake now and whipped their swords into a defensive position. Everyone held their breath as they stared into the darkness around the campsite.


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