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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 639

After watching the battle rage for a while, Austin found that the members of the Meng Clan demonstrated excellent fighting experience. Facing the beasts that far outnumbered them, each of them showed intense calm and focus while they were fighting.

There was a tacit cooperation between them. Each three cultivators joined in a small formation. The sharp swords in their hands were touched by rippling vital energy forces, which easily pierced the diabolic beasts coming at them.

Dozens of small meat grinder groups were formed. Around them, blood sprayed into the air and animal carcasses accumulated into piles like small mountains.

Crimson blood turned the ground slick and the soil was stained a bloody red. The metallic smell of spilled blood filled the air, while the mournful howls of the beasts spread throughout the forest.

Marwell, the head of the Meng Clan, was at the premium stage of Sky Realm. He was now standing at the front together with three medium stage of Sky Realm cultivators and five preliminary stage of Sky Realm cultivators. The nine Sky Realm cultivators in total were now defending at the forefront of the ranks, blocking all of the level eight demons and diabolic beasts.

The rest of the Meng Clan's descendants, whose cultivation bases were less than the Mysterious Realm, were responsible for guarding of the rear and the two sides of the team. They mainly dealt with the level six or seven demons and diabolic beasts.

The level six beasts had the same strength as human beings at the preliminary stage of the Mysterious Realm.

And the level seven beasts had the same strength as human beings cultivating at the medium stage of Mysterious Realm or the premium stage of Mysterious Realm.

However, the level eight beasts could compete with any human cultivators at the preliminary stage of Sky Realm or the medium stage of Sky Realm in terms of strength.

Therefore, the division of skills and tasks, in this enemy-facing formation, were very appropriate, and it had also elevated their combat effectiveness to its strongest state.

However, the demons and diabolic beasts were cruel by nature. Although the beasts that rushed ahead had been constantly cut down, the beasts behind them turned blind eyes to the suffering of those who had been mutilated, and still rushed forward to attack in a most violent manner.

The members of the Meng Clan, under the desperate blitz of demons and diabolic beasts, were also constantly being injured or killed during this battle.

However, the Meng Clan had finally begun to gradually occupy the dominant position in this area, and slowly stabilized their formation, while the number of demons and diabolic beasts were slowly decreasing. As the battle raged on, more and more animal carcasses piled up beneath the trees of the forest, like ripened fruit, dripping bloody juices into the forest loam.

"Bang-bang-bang-bang!" ... At the most fierce moment of the battle in the woods, the ground suddenly began to tremble violently.

Then, six figures equipped with extremely fierce eyes appeared in the mist and stepped forward towards them slowly.

"Be careful, the six beasts are coming!"

the voice of Marwell, the leader, sounded in reminder as he saw the imminent danger.

All the members of the Meng Clan felt the powerful pressure of the six beasts spread over them, and their faces began to turn a little pale.

Austin's eyes were also closely staring in the direction that the six powerful figures were coming from. Then, suddenly, his eyes fixed at a position. Six huge figures of ferocious beasts finally stepped into the clearing in the forest. Under the light of the fire, they looked both amazing and frightening.

"The scorpion-tailed leopards!"

Although Austin's spiritual sense had already perceived the true appearance of the six figures of the beasts, he still cried out softly in amazement when he saw them with his own eyes.

They were six beasts covered with grayish-brown fur over their whole skins, with powerfully muscled leopard-like bodies and scorpion-like tails. At the end of each tail, there was a cold, shining hook with a sharp and final sheen.

The scorpion-tailed leopard was a rather ferocious beast, and its hair was as hard as iron and it was extremely difficult to penetrate with a blade. It had a brute strength which was infinitely powerful, and a scorpion tail, which was as fast as lightning. The stinger contained severe toxicity. It was a difficult adversary to deal with by human cultivators and it had slain many of them thus far.

Unexpectedly, the Meng Clan had provoked such a vicious creature.

After the appearance of these six scorpion-tailed leopards with level nine strength, six sets of scarlet eyes gazed over the cultivators spread through the woods with a burning desire and open hostility.

The shining pupils of the beasts revealed their cunning and taunting attitudes which usually only belonged to human beings and not beasts. One of the scorpion-tailed leopards was walking a little in the front of the other five, and there was a loud growl ripping from its large, fearsome mouth. Great fangs protruded past the cruel lips and it stared at them from behind its slavering jaws.

After looking at the taunt and cunning in the beasts' pupils, all the cultivators in the forest seemed to understand the meaning which they held clearly.

These six scorpion-tailed leopards were of the same mentality as cats catching mice.

To be honest, with their powerful strength and their superiority to all the other kinds of beasts in this black forest, they could easily have besieged and finished off the team of the Meng Clan at the very beginning.

However, the six scorpion-tailed leopards clearly wanted to enjoy a game of cat-and-mouse before killing them all. They wanted to savor the struggle and fear of their enemy after hours of roundabout chases and interceptions. They fed more on fear than on flesh.

At this moment, of course, Austin also understood the subtext of the expressions which the six scorpion-tailed leopards had in their eyes.

"They are truly six crafty and cruel guys."

"Beasts, are you finally willing to show up?"

Marwell snorted coldly, but his eyes were slightly gloomy.

Michelle, however, turned pale at the moment she saw the six beasts, and every member of the Meng Clan took a deep shuddering breath as fear set in.


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