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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 648

"They all had their faces covered. They said that they were the bandits from the Shady Mountain. But I don't think they were telling the truth at all.

Their faces were covered with black cloth. They didn't say anything else and after they had purloined the crystals, they fled towards the crystal mine of the Wei family.

However, when we finally got to the mine, they had already disappeared without a trace."

Marwell frowned as he recounted what happened in a husky voice.

"How many superior vital energy crystals did we lose this time?" asked Michelle, whose face had turned as pale as death.

She knew this was a matter of great consequence, which might affect the future of the whole Meng family direly.

"Our family has mined two million superior vital energy crystals and ten million vital energy crystals during the last three months. In this short time, they have thieved one million and nine hundred thousand superior vital energy crystals and nine million vital energy crystals," said Marwell in a deflated voice as his eyes took on a defeated cast.

He sat slumped in his chair with his head hanging in dejection.

"What? So many!

Dad, how could this be? How could they be so ruthless?!

What... What are we going to do?"

Michelle looked ghastly pale and her body trembled in shock at the devastating news.

"Michelle, we are finished. The Meng family is finished!

So many vital energy crystals have been stolen. We are bound to be held to account by the Sky Sect.

We are done for...done for!"

Marwell murmured, staring at the ceiling with vacant eyes while his hands began to tremble as if palsy had suddenly set in.

"It must be the Wei family. They wanted to ruin us, Dad!"

Michelle shouted with resentment, while she angrily brushed tears of frustration from her bright eyes.

"Yes. But there is no evidence that they did it. And they would never admit it.

Douglas must have made a clever plan and arranged everything.

During the time when I went to the black forest to find the elixir for your mother, the Wei family must have taken the opportunity and made their move. They just want to take our crystal mine and drive us out of Stone City, so that they can become the only masters of the city."

Marwell surmised with his brows knitting together in defeat.

"Dad, why don't we go to Elder Xiao of the Sky Sect and tell him how the Wei family have done all these things and that they are the ones to blame?"

Michelle suggested, unwilling to give up without a fight.

"It won't work, Michelle. The Elders of the Sky Sect won't bother poking their noses into the squabbles of the smaller families. You know what kind of people they are. All that they care about is whether we can mine the crystals and hand them over on time."

"You are right... Then... What should we do next, Dad?"

Michelle sank down next to his chair, her face sinking into utter despair.

"Michelle, our family is finished.


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