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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 707

"Screw you! You will pay for this one way or another!"

Austin said through clenched teeth. He had been carefully keeping his strengths under wrap, but now there was no point.

It was no exaggeration to say that the woman in front of him was the most powerful Imperial Realm cultivator he had ever met.

So if he still thought about pulling his punches under the circumstances, he might as well put himself in a dangerous situation.

Moreover, the Iron Lady Mercenary Team had infuriated him so much that he just wanted to kill every last one of them. He didn't see the point in showing any mercy.

Austin smacked his waist and unleashed twelve rays of light. They shot and landed on the ground in front of him.

The twelve light balls quickly transformed into six scorpion-tailed leopards of level nine, five corpse demons, and an ancient evil ape. Together, they rushed to the female warriors from the Iron Lady Mercenary Team like twelve bright arrows.

The ancient evil ape was as powerful as a cultivator at the medium stage of Imperial Realm, while the corpse demons, were refining between the primary and medium stage of the Imperial Realm. Those scorpion-tailed leopards were also very intimidating and skilled, with their levels went as high as the premium stage of Sky Realm.

When fighting alongside one another, they made an unstoppable team, even for the Iron Ladies.

Apart from the head of the team, there were only four Imperial Realm masters in that group of ladies. But what they were facing now was a group of crazy beasts at nearly the same levels of six Imperial Realm masters PLUS six warriors of Sky Realm. The ladies screamed. They were terrified.

Those five corpse demons ran out to take the lead. They came at the ladies hard. The team was soon covered by the miasma, which was released by the demons. This blurred their vision and slowed the ladies down. And in the fog of corpse miasma, claws contaminated with ptomaine struck out as quick as lightning.

"What the hell is happening?!"

Although having refined at the Sky Realm, most members of the Iron Lady Mercenary Team hadn't experienced anything like the corpse demons. They turned pale at once and tried to escape desperately. Admist the many screams and yells, four to five beautiful women were hit by those poisoned claws. Wailing and begging, they couldn't move and had to lie there watching the claws coming for them.

"Calm down, and fight back!" The head commanded.

She came to herself as soon as possible, her face darkened. She raised her hand, and a sacred sword appeared in her palm, sparking with coldness. The sword unleashed a slashing sword-light swiftly and one of the demons near her was knocked back into the air in the blink of an eye.

To her surprise, however, no harm was done to the corpse demon other than a small hole made by the light from the sword.

She had wished that this blow would have torn the demon to pieces. Yet she had failed to see that. Since the demon wasn't physically alive, it wouldn't bleed or feel any pain, nor would it be crippled or lose the ability of moving with parts of its body cut off.

So after being knocked out over ten meters into the air and then slamming into the ground, the demon had quickly risen to its feet and lunged back.

At the same time, Austin threw himself into the battle. The sound attacks from Isis was rushing at Austin's face at the moment.

Ignoring all of the Sky Sect cultivators on the scene, he released all of his four hundred thousand pounds of strength to meet the attacks. It was time.

All of the strength was channeled into his fists and released through punches.

A series of thuds were heard, and those sound attacks were broken into pieces at the thuds, turning into a rain of needles.

Austin didn't just stop there. He made a leap and disappeared from the spot.


All the people present gasped at the sight of Austin dominating those attacks so quickly. He was something else.

After all, it was well known that each of this kind of sound attacks from Isis contained two to three hundred thousand pounds of strength. Since they were usually of great numbers and an incredibly fast speed, they could form a shower of powerful energy that even the general Imperial Realm masters would struggle to fight.

And for those less competent Imperial Realm cultivators, this type of attack could mean a quick death.

How come this young man could destroy them without much difficulty? They just couldn't believe their eyes!

Isis smelled danger the moment Austin vanished from her sight.

Sound attack was her biggest strength and what set her apart from the others. Since it was intended for long-range battles, she would be greatly weakened if fighting at close range.

That was why she became so alarmed and worried when Austin disappeared. She did not expect Austin to possess such elite skills. She had never struggled to keep her eyes on someone before.

In her shock and anger, she closed her eyes and activated her spiritual sense to search for Austin. After a while, she finally located the swift young man, though vaguely.

Almost at the same time, the music from her instrument accelerated, sounding quicker and stronger like tens and thousands of stampeding horses running out of her sedan chair. They changed direction and headed straight for a spot about a hundred meters ahead.

The next instant, the air around that specific spot rippled, shimmered, and solidified into a man. Forced by her impending strikes, Austin showed up to protect himself.

He was a bit impressed by this woman's spiritual sense, to be honest, for he never thought that she would be able to pinpoint him so quickly.

Another series of fast and deafening thuds were released into the air, sending powerful sound waves in every direction.

The intensified sound attacks were again blocked by Austin's fists.

People simply couldn't believe that this slim young man could resist those attacks with two to three hundred thousand pounds of strength. But it was actually a piece of cake for Austin since the strength from his fists were much more powerful than that.

So even though Isis had given her best to produce a mass of sound attacks at Austin at almost the speed of light, Austin had sufficient strength several times greater even than the Morton from the Veritable Demon Sect. Isis was indeed powerful, but she was no match for Austin.

Moreover, Austin's spiritual sense was another powerful weapon of his for capturing the trails of each and every sound attack. Combined with his deceiving bodily movement skill, Austin was highly capable of handling this array of assaults.


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