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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 708

There seemed to be something that was stopping Austin's punches from hitting around Isis' delicate body.

'Damn it! She's wearing a magic defensive armor! Together with the vital energy she released, it had blocked my two hundred thousand pounds punch like a piece of cake!' complained Austin silently.

In succession to the first punch he did, Austin hurled another quick blow towards the woman using his left fist.

What he did was a left-right combination punch.


And finally, he was able to break the vital energy armor of Isis into splinters.

"Puff! Puff ..."

Her clothes instantly turned into rags as it got torn from the powerful impact.

"Ah! "

She screamed on the top of her lungs and immediately activated an amulet. In a blink of an eye, a mysterious force quickly engulfed her and took her eight hundred meters away.

"Austin! How dare you? I will never forget you. And I will kill you with my own hands one day! Just wait! You will pay for this!"

Her voice faded away as she hurriedly escaped from the fight.

"Damn! I should have killed her.

She will bring nothing but trouble,"

mumbled Austin. A bitter smile cracked his lips as he shook his head regretfully.

"But hey! That fight wasn't so bad. I saw her naked body and it's worth it! My physical strength is enough to deal with her sound attacks. I can still easily kill her in the future regardless of how much progress she'll make. All I need to do is to improve my Beast Energy-extracting Skill. There's no reason to be afraid of her at all. She just got really lucky today."

The broken amulet had stirred Austin's interests.

He had heard about amulets that could transport their users into far places before. However, he never had a chance to see one while he was in the Violet Orchid Empire. The location of the mentioned empire was just too remote to even have access to such wonders.

Thus, this was the very first time he saw how the amulet worked.

Meanwhile, all the other cultivators around Austin were now looking at him in utter surprise.

It wasn't that long yet since Isis took their attention after killing all the members of the Tiger Mercenary Team with just her magic harp.

Seeing someone as powerful as her flee shamefully from a fight was definitely something! She didn't just escape like a coward dog, she was almost naked earlier. All thanks to this young man!

Was it even possible for an unknown boy from Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom to be much more powerful than the well-known Magic Harp Player?

"Oh man, now I see! You the one who killed the decades of disciples of our sect, aren't you?"

Caspar of the Sky Sect, suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, it was me.

You are more than welcome to take revenge against me,"

replied Austin while smiling calmly.

He knew this topic would be brought up shortly after he defeated Isis.

"Boy, you... How dare you have the nerve to slaughter our Sky Sect disciples! You're dead meat!"

Caspar was shaking with rage when he pointed his finger to Austin.

However, having witnessed the fight between Austin and Isis just now, Caspar was aware that none of the Sky Sect disciples at present could defeat Austin.

He knew that he wasn't a match against this boy's skill. Austin's violent physical skill and ghostly speed were immeasurable. Not to mention the fact that Austin was also accompanied by a group of diabolic beasts and zombies.

On the other hand, Austin wasn't even taking Caspar seriously at all. The difference between their skills was just too evident.

Thus, he walked idly towards the Iron Lady Mercenary Team instead. The dozen of beautiful ladies from that team instantly turned pale with fear. Trembling and without fighting spirit, they all stared at Austin like a group of poor lambs, waiting to be slaughtered.

With a sweep of his hand, Austin called back the six scorpion-tailed leopards, ancient evil apes, and the five corpse demons.

He then turned to the Team Head and sneered, "Now, how are you feeling now? Didn't you say that you're going to kill me today?"

Austin let out a cunning smile.

Seeing the murderous grin on his face made all the members of the team shivered even more.

They all understood that defying Austin would be useless. Given that someone as powerful as Isis fled from this man's punches, even they put all the strength together, they were still nothing against him.

They were basically as helpless as children in front of a hungry beast.

"Austin, it was the Team Head who took me in while I first came to the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Could you please spare them for my sake?"

Tessa suddenly stood between Austin and the Team.

And needless to say, her words took Austin by surprise.

"Well... Okay. I'll let them go this time then,"

he replied and smiled after a few seconds of hesitation. Anyway, he had had no grudges against the Iron Lady Mercenary Team before. It was just that they had provoked him. Thus, letting them slip wasn't really a big thing.

"Go!" he finally instructed the ladies as he shot them an uninterested look.


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