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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 867

The other members of the squad had also noticed the stirring seawater and kept their guard up.

They readied their vital energy force and weapons for the upcoming fight when suddenly, a clattering sound was heard.

Hundreds of sea beasts bounced up from under the sea at lightning speed and surrounded the whole squad of warriors.

It was overwhelming to witness such numerous sea beasts charging all at once.

Those sea beasts varied in their strength from sixth to tenth level.

At least four or five of them were beast masters.

In all honesty, they were strong enough to annihilate the entire squad.

Once the creatures sieged altogether, the warriors from the squad were sent into confusion and frantic.

Under pressure and desperation, all of them exercised their consummate skills with the hope of withstanding the fierce attack from those sea beasts.

But those sea beasts greatly outnumbered the human warriors.

Although one warrior stepped into the breach as another fell, two fists were no match to the eminent strength of the sea beasts.

To make it worse, four or five warriors were already injured in just a few breaths' time.

"Captain, help!" said a squad member at the medium stage of Imperial Realm in his last breath.

Tragically, he was cut in halves by a sharp claw of a demonic crab.

All he could do was scream for help as he was dying.

Unfortunately, every member was trapped at bay. Nobody could spare a hand to save him.

Two strongest Master Realm masters of the squad were also under siege by two or three beast masters. They were basically hanging on a thread considering the situation.

"Seek help from nearby squads!

Send your message through jade slips!" a warrior at the medium stage of Imperial Realm shouted to his men.

He fished out his own jade slip to seek help from nearby squads.

The other members hurriedly took out their own jade slips and called for help too.

Their only chance was to acquire external help as everyone in their squad was either trapped on besieged.

But next moment, all of them got stunned.

Every one of them found themselves receiving the same messages one after another.

It seemed to have come from the squads around the area.

In other words, all squads in that region were under attack from the sea beasts.


Someone from the crowd shouted.

All the warriors tried to break out of the encirclement and ran for their lives with all their might.

However, the innumerable sea beasts had surrounded them layer by layer, enveloping them with solid iron bands.

After a moment, a dozen members, including those two Master Realm warriors, were all torn into pieces as sea beasts swarmed to the center of the circle.

Such scenes were simultaneously seen in different sea regions.

One after another, the squads deployed in different parts of the region were surrounded and killed by numerous sea beasts.

It was as if a killing spree had reeled in the entire ocean.

Even the seawater had turned red due to the blood spill. .

While a debacle took place in the vast ocean, an island stood silent somewhere in the waters.

The Trident Island was the stronghold of the royal household of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom in the Middle World Waters.

On it, stood a grand and majestic palace filled with all royal decorations.

Its interior gloriously screamed noble and palatial.

Four figures seated dignifiedly in one of the palace's grand hall.

The man who served as the head was the Right Wing General.

Meanwhile, the two elderly men and a burly middle-aged man were his assistants.

Their cultivation base were all at the Astral Realm––earning them their superior rank.

However, at that moment, they seemed to be in low spirits, drowning their sorrows with wine.

Only the Right Wing General looked relatively calm and relaxed.

Two elderly men and that middle-aged man looked a little impatient and were almost at the end of their wits.

"General, it's been twenty days since we came here.

But we've seen no sign of the mansion of the ancient master.

Is it possible that those old folks' foretelling about time and place is wrong again?"

The burly middle-aged man uttered, restless with anxiety.

"Commander Zachariah, no hurry.

The mansion of the ancient master in the Middle World Waters has little written records.


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