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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 868

For some time in the past, Austin had visited various seas searching for sea beasts. It was a boring and exhausting journey. He had seen endless oceans and felt that his efforts had gone in vain most of the time.

He never dreamed of such a great opportunity—so many advanced sea beasts came to him voluntarily. And he would have the freedom to pick anyone he desired!

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he extracted and purified over twenty beast masters and more than a hundred level ten sea beasts within one day alone.

That was a stunning number. It was a record he had made by extracting and refining sea beasts in recent days.

This achievement brought a fervent fire and enthusiasm to the young man's eyes.

He made a count of the sea beasts he had extracted and refined, then he thought of the Transformation Realm sea beast. Austin wondered whether he was still outside. He was anxious to see how much the sea beast would empower him if he could extract and refine that beast.

Austin was completely aware that there must be many advanced sea beasts in search of him and the two princesses from the mermaid tribe.

He also recollected that it was almost twenty four days from the day he had swallowed the Magical Beast Elixir.

So, there was only six more days to go—not too much time in his hand!

He valued every minute he possessed. So, he wanted to extract and refine more and more sea beasts in that duration.

This opportunity was rare. He knew that it would be impossible for him to see so many advanced sea beasts gather together again! He had to make the best use of the chance he had.

He planned to break through the tight encirclement made by those sea beasts. He had to do it, whatever would be the cost!

He would go on to hunt several other advanced sea beasts and brought them back into the City to improve his physical strength via the Beast Energy-extracting Skill.

Austin had made up his mind to keep doing so as this was a way to improve his level of martial arts.

Then, he focused on starting to manipulate the transmission and transportation power in the City. Subsequently, a mighty pushing force brought him out.


Sea water welcomed Austin as soon as he left the City.

It happened so unexpectedly that he choked gulping the sea water before he realized what was happening.

To protect himself from being drowned, Austin launched his vital energy force to form a protective shielding ball around himself. It was like a bubble holding him safely.

Feeling safe inside the shielding ball made of his vital energy force, Austin could take a clear look of his surroundings.

Though it was dark and serene, he saw some fishes swimming around him.

Austin rubbed his eyes as he checked around to see where he was. He found, to his surprise, he was at the sea bed!

The City, which had been shrunk to the size of a grain of sand, was lying on a mountain on the sea bed at that moment!

Thick sea weeds swayed their bodies with the flow of the water. They prevented him from seeing any further.

Austin initiated his spiritual sense to feel and perceive the situation nearby. He had to know what was around him before he could take his next step.

He sensed that there were many sea beasts swimming at the sea bed.

But there were no beast masters or any level ten sea beasts around. He thought it was better if he stayed quiet and wait for a better opportunity.


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