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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 906

'Hmm.. It seems like the titan's power is sealed by the huge golden sword.

Looks like this giant is sleeping peacefully.

He's kind of funny, though. I can't believe he talked in his sleep!'

Austin thought to himself as he watched the titan.

Even a single sound from the titan could shake the whole earth for his mouth was a thousand meters wide.

And any sound it produced could be heard as a furious growl from a giant monster.

"Kevin, I'm going to kill you!


the titan whispered, which seemed like a growl for revenge.

'I know this titan seems amazing, but I bet that Kevin is stronger than him.

After all, it was this Kevin guy who won their last fight and locked him up with a golden sword. How strong could Kevin possibly get?'

Austin trembled at the thought.

Meanwhile, while the titan was fast asleep, with a little bit of murmur here and there, Austin's eyes fell on the huge golden sword in front of him.

From what he had seen, the blade of the sword was smacked right in the belly of the titan, and the golden sword-light given off by the sword attacked the titan continuously.

But Austin could only see the blade part of the whole sword since it was so huge that the handle was already above the clouds.

'Wow. Whatever this sword is or wherever it came from, I bet it must be such an incredible treasure now that it really pinned the titan to the ground.

I wish I had one, though, ' he said inwardly.

And although he gushed over the sword so badly, he had no intention of being its master.

'But I really don't think I'm strong enough to even remove the sword from his body!

Even if I succeed on that plan, what the hell am I going to do when he wakes up?

Who can bring him down again?

I can tell by his aura that he's not just some peaceful goody titan. What if he kills innocent people after I set him free? I can't take the blame for that.

Who, in the Prime Martial World, would be willing and be able to stop him?'

Austin gave his own self a mocking smile and intended to leave.

And with all the questions that boggled his head, he had just planned to stop his adventure

because he thought that the place was far too dangerous for him to tread alone.

And from time to time he could sense the ground tremble. It was as if the titan was not the only huge creature around the area.

'Perhaps other monstrously big and spooky monsters are nearby.

Thank God the titan was under restraints. If not, then this adventure could be the death of me!

But on the other hand, if I meet some free roaming violent creatures, then I'll be in a lot of trouble. Yes, I'd better leave while I still can.'


Austin turned around and leaped into the air. And without saying another word, he retraced his steps back and returned to where he came from.

But on his way back, he had been attacked by some aggressive balls of wind, sword-light, saber-light, palm shadows, almost every other powerful attack.

But none of them succeeded in destroying Austin for his Fire Stela had defended him from all the mix of attacks that went straight to him.

'Never underestimate the power of ancient skills. These powerful skills belonged to those ancient masters who had been at war in the battlefield.

Although, of course, most of them had already left the earth, these best skills remain preserved with the living here for some reason.

They might be less powerful nowadays, but they could still cause harm to people, ' he surmised.

And with more than half a day of flying back, he had finally returned to the stone door he had been looking for.

Then, Austin channeled his spiritual sense into the Illusion Bead from his Soul Sea and asked the gnome to come out of it. And by using his Space Teleportation, the gnome had transported them back to the other side of the stone door.

But something was blocking his mind. Austin began to think and recall about the ancient battlefield that he had just seen.

He was still baffled with what the battlefield had shown him even though he had already left the scene.

'Who knew that a vast battlefield under the Middle World Waters ever existed?

Nah. I don't think people will believe me anyway if I do tell them about that place, ' he thought.


But Austin didn't leave the cave just yet.

Instead, he just sat down, crossed his legs in front of the stone door and started to practice the Golden Sun Scripture.


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