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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 907

Austin landed on the island quickly.

"Who are you?" a person asked.

The people on the island spotted Austin the instant he appeared.

"Hey, guys," Austin greeted flatly.

He walked toward the meadow unhurriedly.

More than ten men who were dressed similarly had surrounded a young man and a girl.

The young man and woman looked furious.

The group of similarly-dressed men was passing insulting remarks towards the two.

And the man in charge was Mark, the principal disciple of the Ghost Puppet Sect.

Obviously, the other men with him were also from the Ghost Puppet Sect.

"What the hell are you doing here, Austin?" Mark asked in a surprised, alert tone.

He recognized Austin immediately.

Austin had left a deep impression on him as the two had once fought intensely at the Sunset Mountain.

But, he didn't expect to meet Austin again in the Middle World Waters.

"Austin!" the other disciples of Ghost Puppet Sect muttered.

Astonishment reflected on their faces.

People in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom had been talking about Austin. So they had also heard rumors about Austin.

"Is he Austin?"

"I thought he was incredibly strong. It looks like I overestimated him."


All disciples of Ghost Puppet Sect except Mark stared at Austin as they discussed with each other.

Amazed and excited, Mark slowly made his way toward Austin.

He was reminded of rumors that he had heard about Austin.

It was said that Austin had acquired the Sword Emperor's valuable treasure while at the Sunset Mountain.

Mark had also heard that Austin had taken the Fire Stela with him and practiced superior martial arts skills on the stela.

All warriors coveted these two treasures.

That was why Mark remembered those rumors the second he recognized Austin.

Greed spewed from Mark's eyes.

Since he had fought against Austin once before, Mark knew of his opponent's capabilities. He understood that Austin's strength was at par with his own.

But now, Mark had a dozen companions by his side.

And they were principal disciples of the Ghost Puppet Sect. Although they were only slightly weaker than Mark, he was sure that together, they could face Austin.

In fact, as soon as Austin reached the island, he concealed his true vital energy.

Since Mark had just reached the preliminary stage of Imperial Realm and his spiritual sense was low, he couldn't determine Austin's real cultivation base level.

The other disciples of the Ghost Puppet Sect also failed to see through the lad's real strength.

Mark was convinced that Austin couldn't get away this time.

"Ha-ha, Austin, I didn't expect you to come here.

Give us all your treasures, or

we'll tear you to bits,"

Mark threatened loudly.

"Guys, surround Austin. Don't let him escape.

He has some valuable items,"

Mark instructed his companions.

The other disciples of Ghost Puppet Sect stopped their discussion and glared at Austin.

"This brat has some priceless treasures?"

"Ha-ha, those treasures will be ours soon."

All of a sudden, Mark's companions smiled wickedly as they walked closer to Austin.

A few seconds later, Austin was surrounded by twelve people.

Meanwhile, three disciples of the Ghost Puppet Sect still guarded the young man and woman.

.. .

"Oh, you want to rob me?

Do you think you will succeed?" Austin snapped dismissively.


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