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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1050

"Is this a design for the military region? Since when did our company begin to work for the military?"

Mango subconsciously raised her head and asked the designer, Brighton.

Brighton looked around warily and said, "It's only a prototype. Mr. Ye wanted us to prepare the designs first just in case the military wanted to cooperate with us. However, it would be awesome if our company could sign a contract with the military!"

"Well, but it depends on our strength and talent. In fact, There are tons of skilful designers working for the military."

Mango put out their hopes in an instant.

"Yes, yes, you're righ."

Although Brighton was older, she still showed respect to Mango. After all, Mango was a talented designer. Even though Mango had withdrawn from the previous design competition, she had become famous because of Gisella's plagiarism issue.

Mango pointed at a piece of blueprint and said, "This area needs improvement. The cars in the military region must be shockproof and come with good safety designs. The design here is too fancy and non-functional, so I suggest amending this area. You can make corrections on the details as well."

Brighton glanced at the spot that Mango pointed out, and she frowned and said, "This area needs to be a little more prominent and visible for safety purposes. However, the exterior design of the car will be affected if we highlight this area. As you know, you know that people will pay attention to the car's appearance. If it doesn't look attractive, we won't stand a chance against the other designers."

"But you can't risk the safety ergonomics just for the sake of the appearance. Do you think it will be better if you change it here?"

Mango took out the pencil and drew a few strokes on the design drawings, and the design immediately became more attractive.

"Yes, this looks great!"

Brighton was overjoyed when she saw the designs.

Mango was also delighted that she had managed to help them as well.

She really enjoyed designing cars. Although she did not regret leaving the designer industry, she still felt comfortable picking up the brush again.

"Well, you can check up on the details by yourself. I will be heading back first. Otherwise, Nathaniel will be calling me if he can't find me."

Mango stood up and prepared to leave as she said this.

Although she was very enthusiastic about the design, it still belonged to the team, and she was just there to give some advice. She was afraid that people would feel annoyed if she got involved too much.

After all, she knew when to stop and withdraw herself from these matters.

After that, the designers escorted Mango out of the office.

Just as she walked out, she saw Nathaniel standing in the corridor and looking at her with a smile.

She stuck out her tongue and walked directly to him.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Where else could you be then?"

Nathaniel stretched out his arms as he asked.

Then, Mango threw herself into his embrace.

"Are you done with your phone call?"

"Yes, Dylan said he would bring Andrea to Ocean City in the afternoon. What do you plan to do?"

Nathaniel wasn't worried that Mango would lock up Andrea. However, it did not seem easy to keep Andrea in a certain place.

However, Mango smiled and said, "What's there to do? I'll bring her directly to the military region and meet my grandpa. No matter what, Andrea is still a granddaughter of my grandpa. Since they haven't met for so many years, she obviously needs to be educated on the rules of Xiao family, right?"

Nathaniel was surprised by her plan, but it sounded like a good idea nevertheless.

Once Andrea entered Brantley's place, she could not leave without his permission. Furthermore, they could tell other people that Andrea was merely spending time with her grandfather if that happened.

"But should we tell your grandfather about this plan first?"

"Of course! Or else, grandpa will kick her out of the house."

Both of them smiled as they walked out of the company together.

It was the first time the company's staff had seen Nathaniel's affectionate smile, and it almost took their breath away.

"Mr. Ye is so handsome!"

However, Nathaniel ignored everyone else, as he only had eyes for Mango. After he got into the car, Mango took out her phone and called Brantley.

"Grandpa, Nathan and I are coming to visit you. What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

Mango said in a sweet voice.

Brantley grinned happily upon hearing her voice.

"Bring some bananas. I've been feeling a little sick recently because of the stomach."

"Got it!"

Mango hung up the phone, and Nathaniel immediately drove the car to the supermarket.

They bought bananas and some other fruits, and Nathaniel even bought a packet of premium tea. After that, they headed towards Brantley's house.

When Toby saw that they had arrived, he immediately welcomed them in.

"Ms. Sun, Rita got into a fight with her friend. However, the chief didn't allow me to inform you. It seemed that her friend also has a strong family background. However, I think it's better if you deal with that as well."

Toby whispered.

Mango's mouth twitched in annoyance as she glanced at Nathaniel.

"Don't your beloved daughter only know how to eat? When did she get involved in martial arts just like Emberly's daughter?"

"I'll take care of it."

Nathaniel was in a good mood, so he immediately took over the matter.

Mango finally smiled happily when she saw him.

"Grandpa, I'm here!"

Mango said as she went straight to the living room.

Meanwhile, Brantley was reading the newspaper when he saw Mango entering. He smiled and said, "Oh, you bought me so much good food? Let me guess, are you trying to gain my favour or ask for my help? Otherwise, why would you visit me with gifts?"

"Grandpa, how can you say that? This will make me look like an unfilial child!"

Mango was acting like a spoiled child when she said this.

As she spoke, she walked over and grabbed Brantley's arm.

"Urgh! How could you say that? I haven't said anything yet, but you're always talking back to me. Nathaniel, I'm sure she always bullies you at home, right?"


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