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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1051

Mango furrowed her eyebrows when she heard this.

This brat was really naughty and disobedient!

"Isn't Nathan with Rita? How could he allow her to misbehave?"

Toby wore a resigned smile after hearing Mango's words.

"Urgh! Ms. Sun, don't remind me about it. Mr. Ye is standing next to her while defending her."

Mango was surprised by his words.

Why was Nathaniel defending Rita?

Did he support this fight?

What on earth was going on?

Then, she immediately stood up.

When Brantley said this, he hurriedly said, "Mango, she's only a child, so she's still young and immature. You can educate her, but don't hit her, okay? Besides, something must have happened because I'm sure Rita wouldn't raise her hand against others for no reason."

"But... grandpa!"

Mango was speechless when she heard this.

How could Brantley be this biased towards his grandchildren?

How could he conclude that it wasn't Rita's fault without finding out the truth behind the incident?

"You should stay here. I will settle the matter immediately. Toby, stay here and watch over my grandfather."

As soon as Mango finished speaking, Toby quickly agreed. However, he retreated after receiving a sharp glare from Brantley.

"What are you afraid of? My grandfather isn't that intimidating."

Mango patted Toby's shoulder as she left in a hurry.

Just then, she heard Rita's voice coming from the outside.

"I'll let you have a taste of my strength then!"

Mango's brows instantly furrowed when she heard this.

Was this the Rita she knew?

Why did she sound just like Evangeline?

This wasn't like Rita at all!

Despite these thoughts, Mango walked out in an instance.

There were already a few people surrounding them, including Bjorn and Lonnie. However, both of them were not involved in the fight. There were also a few other children from the neighbourhood. Some of them looked older, while the rest looked around the same age as Rita.

Meanwhile, she saw punching and kicking on an eight-year-old boy.

She couldn't believe that this was happening!

Just as Mango was about to walk over, she saw Nathaniel standing by the side and staring at the fight with his arms crossed. Then, he let out a chilling aura that terrified the crowd immediately.

Nathaniel was furious!

Mango was clearly aware of this.

Rita was still making her move when Nathaniel said coldly," I suggest you target his underarm, butt and knees."

Mango twitched her lips in displeasure when she heard this.

Nathaniel was so evil! How could he ask Rita to target places that were not obvious?

She immediately walked over there.

However, she did not stop Rita either.

Although everyone knew that Nathaniel loved and doted on his children, he would never allow them to cross the line. Thus, she believed that he had a reason for defending Rita.

However, she was a little curious. What could make Rita so angry?

Meanwhile, Nathaniel noticed Mango's arrival but remained silent. However, his fierce gaze warmed up slightly.

Rita was exhausted from the fight. Although she was startled when Mango arrived, she didn't stop and continued to kick the boy's butt fearlessly.

Just then, the boy's mother finally came.

"What are you guys doing? Let go of my son! Where did this rascal come from? How can she do this to my son without any shame?"

The woman immediately pushed Rita away forcefully, and Rita almost fell to the ground.

Mango quickly went forward to catch Rita. However, she was already upset when she saw this.

"Hi, it's not right for you to intervene in a child's fight, isn't it?"

"Is this your daughter then?"

The woman looked at Mango in fury.

"Yes, she is."

Mango protected Rita behind her with a displeased expression on her face.

"Indeed, she's a chip off the old block. Look at how coquettish you are! I can't believe that she's riding on a boy at such a young age! She's probably going to work as an escort when she grows up."

Her remarks infuriated Mango, as she scowled at the lady and stared at her contemptuously.

"Keep your mouth shut, you b*tch!"

She thought that people living around this neighbourhood would be of good character as their family served the army. However, she didn't expect to see someone with such a disgusting personality.

Mango wasn't familiar with the area as she didn't grow up here. In fact, she was just there to visit Brantley, so she rarely walked about the military compound.

Hence, the woman acted rude towards her just because she was a newcomer.

Nathaniel's eyes suddenly narrowed when she saw this.

"Hah! I guess that Chief Oxford thought his family well. Based on what you said, it seems that you're quite familiar with the escorting industry? Otherwise, how would you know so clearly?"

The woman's face immediately took on a ghastly expression.

"What the hell are you talking about? Who on earth are you? How dare you speak to me in this way? Since you know I'm from Chief Oxford's family, you should be tactful and apologise to my son immediately."

"Huh? Why should I apologise? Your son should be grateful that he's still alive! You better thank your stars that your daughter went against him and not me. If not, I would've beaten him up so hard that he could never walk again! Mark my words!"

Nathaniel had no time to argue with this woman. Thus, he directly picked up the phone and called the woman's husband.

"I'm Nathaniel Ye. Please come to Chief Eaven's house. I think your wife and son need to learn a lesson."


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