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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1057


Mango thought that she was mistaken.

She quickly looked at her watch and saw that it was half-past five in the evening.

Didn't Andrea say that she would arrive at eight o'clock in the evening?

Why was she here so early?

Besides, Mango couldn't see Dylan anywhere.

Did something happen?

At that moment, Mango's mind was running fast.

She could not let Andrea disappear from her sight.

Otherwise, she would have failed all her plans.

At that time, Morgan's men weren't here yet as they planned to come at six o'clock, so there was still half an hour left until their arrival time.

However, Andrea would have left the place and disappear if she waited for another half an hour.

Mango's brows were tightly knitted together.

Indeed, unexpected situations were bound to happen no matter how meticulous her arrangements were.

There was no time for Mango to think about it further.

Andrea took out her mobile phone to make a call and it seemed that she had contacted Lawrence in advance. Now, it was possible that Dylan was at their mercy.

Mango frowned as she quickly put on her hat and walked out of the lounge.

Andrea was calling Lawrence, but a woman who was wearing a cap bumped into her as soon as the call went through. At that moment, her phone fell to the ground.

"Are you blind?"

Andrea became angry at that instant.

Mango swept a glance at her phone and found that Andrea was indeed calling Lawrence.

The corner of her lips curled up into a smile, but she lowered her cap and said in a hurry, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you."

Mango's voice was very low and she was about to leave after apologizing, but Andrea grabbed her arm.

"You bumped into me and dropped my phone yet you're just saying 'sorry'? Do you really think I'm an easy-going person?"

Andrea remained as arrogant as before despite what she had experienced previously. She felt that she had a backup since Lawrence was in Ocean City.

Then, Mango sneered mockingly before she suddenly took out a syringe from her sleeve and approached Andrea in a swift movement. It was the syringe that Emberly had prepared for her in advance so that she could protect herself.

"What do you want me to do then?"

Mango raised her head slightly.

At that instant, Andrea was shocked and she was about to scream for help when Mango stuck a needle into her body.

"Oh, you're a grown adult yet you're having airsickness? I'll help you to the lounge so that you can take a rest."

As Mango spoke, she helped Andrea to Eugene's lounge, while Andrea had passed out.

Mango's entire back was drenched in sweat when she returned to the lounge.

She came up with this idea on the spur of the moment and it was fortunate the police had dispersed Lawrence's men. Otherwise, she would not know what to do.

However, she could definitely not bring Andrea out now as Lawrence's men would surely ambush her once she left the place.

At that instant, Mango's mind was running fast.

What should she do?

Dylan was Nathaniel's beloved brother and he had saved Mango back then in a foreign country. Although he had fallen in love with Andrea blindly, Mango felt that he didn't deserve such severe punishments.

However, no one knew if Lawrence's subordinate harmed Dylan.

She could only wait for Morgan's men to arrive before she could leave with them. At that time, it was quarter to five and Morgan would only arrive 15 minutes later. Mango had no idea how long the medicinal effect of the stabilizer would last.

So, Mango found a rope and tied Andrea up mercilessly just in case.

She also got a towel and stuffed it Andrea's mouth.

Finally, it was almost six o'clock after she did all these.

She heard the sounds of footsteps from outside.

"Mrs. Ye, I'm Captain Eaves's signaler. He asked me to bring you some clothes."

Then, Mango hurriedly opened the door.

A 17-year-old teenager was standing outside and he looked very energetic.

He handed the bag to Mango and whispered, "I saw many unfamiliar faces on guard outside... Captain Eaves told you to wait for him and not to take any action on your own."

"I've already taken action."

Mango smiled bitterly.

At that moment, the signaler was slightly startled.

So, Mango quickly told him what happened and he immediately called Morgan.

"Captain Eaves asked you to wait for a moment as he'll be right here."


Finally, Mango felt secured deep down.

Soon, Morgan arrived and he brought a group of soldiers with him.

They were all wearing uniforms and it was very eye-catching.

Mango quickly changed her clothes and brought Andrea out directly.


"Leave it to them. You can follow me out of the airport."

Morgan didn't bring many men with him, but anyone could tell that they were excellent and skillful soldiers.

It was a spectacular and striking scene as they walked out of the airport.

The soldiers got in the car, while Mango glanced at the building opposite the airport before entering the car.

On the other hand, Lawrence's subordinates frowned.


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