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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1058

"What's wrong?"

Brantley saw Mango's worried face and he couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, Grandpa. I'll leave Andrea to you as I have to go back now."

"I'll tell Toby to accompany you."


This time, Mango did not refuse.

Soon, the two of them returned to the Ye's Mansion, but it was very quiet as Desmond was not around. Mango felt that something was amiss.

"Ms. Sun, stay in car while I'll go out and have a look."

Toby was about to get off the car, but Mango stopped him.

"Don't go out... It's too quiet here and it makes me really uneasy. Toby, don't stop the car and just go straight ahead."

Mango's face darkened at that moment.

Toby didn't know what she meant, but he still followed her order and accelerated the car before they drove past the entrance of the Ye's Mansion in a flash.

However, they were about to leave the Ye Mansion when a roadblock appeared in front of them out of nowhere.

"Toby, retreat."

Mango's heart skipped a beat at that instant.

It seemed that Lawrence's men were intending to ambush her after he was dead.

Indeed, there was someone behind Lawrence.

Meanwhile, Toby was about to reverse when jeeps appeared out of nowhere behind them and their way back was blocked.

"Ms. Sun, we fell into a trap."

Toby frowned tightly at that moment.

Brantley cherished Mango a lot deep down and he couldn't let anything happen to her.

"Ms. Sun, I'll drive away and mislead them while you run into the house."

However, Mango directly rejected Toby's suggestion.

"That wouldn't work as Desmond is not here and something must have happened. There must be people waiting for me to get into the house now and I'll fall into their trap once I get in. That's exactly what they want."

"What should we do then?"

Toby was a little worried.

Then, Mango's lips curved into a bitter smile.

"I don't want to live such a life, but I am forced into such problems... Anyway, I need to save my husband and son, so there is no other way and I must fight. Toby, do you have a gun on you?"

Mango's words made Toby slightly stunned.

He was Brantley's bodyguard, so he would doubtlessly carry guns with him, but what did Mango mean by this?

"Ms. Sun, you..."

"Give me a gun. I know you are used to carrying two guns with you."

Toby hesitated for a moment before he gave Mango the gun.

Immediately, Mango aimed at their surrounding and fired.

The clear sound of the gunshot startled the entire population of Ocean City.

This day, the inhabitants of Ocean City were trembling with fear. Not long after Lawrence attacked a military vehicle, they heard another gunshot coming from the Ye's Mansion, so it naturally attracted some people's attention.

"Quick, let's see what's going on."

On the other hand, the police were dispatched at once.

Terrance had felt doubtful after he knew about Lawrence's car raid. Also, he was really worried when he heard that the Ye family's company had given their employees a holiday in advance. So, he gathered some of his people and rushed to the Yes Mansion, but before he arrived, he heard a gunshot coming from the place.

"Hurry up, get to the Ye Mansion now!"

The people from the Hans family advanced to the place at full tilt.

The sound of Mango's gunshot indeed shocked many parties.

Meanwhile, the person hiding in the shadows fiercely hit the steering wheel and said angrily, "We have to finish this battle immediately as everyone will start approaching us after they heard the gunshot. By that time, it will be very difficult for us to kill Mango. However, boss won't let us off if we return without killing Mango.”

"Jackson, Mango is in the car though and we don't know her exact location, so we can't do anything."

The subordinates didn't know what to do.

Then, Brother Mao said sinisterly, "All of us shoot at the military car! We don't have to be afraid since there's already been a commotion. Tell the sniper to kill Mango at one shot as soon as she appears."

"Got it."

Mango knew that her gunshot would bring her help, but she still had to depend on herself.

She looked at Toby and whispered, "I have already alerted the other party. It is very likely that they'll take action hastily as they're desperate now. Toby, bob down and don't come out nor raise your head without my order."

"Ms. Sun, my responsibility is to protect you."

"Listen to me. My grandpa is old and you've been with him for so many years. He sees you as his brother rather than his servant and I can't let my grandpa suffer the pain of losing his brother at such an old age. So, you have to stay good."

Suddenly, the sounds of intense gunshots came to their ears just as Mango finished speaking.

"Get down!"

She lowered Toby's head and hid under the car seat immediately.

At that moment, bullets were falling like rain.

It was really difficult for her to escape unscathed in such a situation.

What should she do?

Mango's mind went haywire.

Soon, the gunfire intensified and Mango had to save herself as it would take time for the rescuers to rush over.

Mango looked at Toby as a hint of determination flashed across her eyes.

She couldn't let anything happen to Toby.

Mango knew that Toby would not have the chance to escape as long as he was with her.

So, she bit her lower lip and opened the car door directly before she rolled on the ground and ran away.

"Ms. Sun!"

Toby shouted in fear and he soon noticed that countless bullets were aiming at Mango as soon as she got off the car.

In this case, Mango could get numerous gunshot wounds on her.

He was extremely anxious, but he could not leave the car.

Meanwhile, Mango had a deep experience of what it felt like to have the bullets falling like rain.

Bullets were flying past her when she rolled out of the car, but before she could do anything, she heard a loud sound. A big iron pot was thrown at her from nowhere and it shielded her body completely.

The bullets would soon penetrate the pot, but it bought Mango sometime.

Then, Mango heard a familiar voice before she could react.

"Mango, I'm here."


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