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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1145

"Mom, do you want to call dad?"

Wisdom tugged on Mango's sleeve as a hint of uneasiness flashed across his eyes.

Mango hesitated momentarily after hearing this question.

She knew that Wisdom was worried for her. The situation right now was indeed unusual, but today was a special day. After all, Sasa's parade was still moving forward, and the soldiers were moving in groups. Thus, it was rude to ask Nathaniel to come back and help her because of such a small incident.

Mango contemplated for a moment before she held Wisdom in her arms and closed the car door.

After that, she took out her phone and called the towing service. Then she followed the line of the soldiers as she held Wisdom in her arms.

Wisdom realized that Mango was much more cautious and mature than before. He couldn't help but glance at her several times and noticed that she was even more attractive than before.

Although Mango did not know whether her car had broken down by accident, she still let out a sigh of relief after making the call.

Soon, the crowd entered the martyr cemetery. Since Mango and Wisdom were not soldiers, they could only wait outside because they had no right to enter.

However, in their opinion, they could provide some companionship to Zion and Nathaniel silently just by standing here while waiting for them.

After that, the memorial service began in the cemetery. Everyone was depressed when they heard the mournful music, and the freckles of snow in the sky added a touch of sadness to this funeral.

Meanwhile, Mango looked at Sasha's mother, who had passed out from crying several times, from the outside. There was a terrible ache in her heart.

Suddenly, Wisdom asked as he didn't know what happened, "Mom, where is Sasa's dad?"

Mango replied in a quiet voice, "The terrorists kidnapped her father, so he hasn't returned yet. Alas! He didn't even get to see his daughter for the last time."

After all, this was one of the sacrifices that all soldiers had to make. At the same time, everyone respected them because they were brave enough to do so.

Suddenly, Mango tried to imagine herself in their shoes. What would she do if Zion was the one being buried today?

She couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat at the thought of this.

No! She couldn't think about this!

After all, she had even started trembling even though she was only trying to imagine this scene.

She wasn't so resolute and couldn't bear to send her son into the battlefield. But what if Zion himself insisted on it?

Mango knew that she would never force her son, but this job...

However, she shook her head abruptly and took her mind off these matters for the time being.

Out of the blue, there was a loud 'bang', and the ground seemed to shake a little. Suddenly, Wisdom lost his balance as he grabbed onto Mango.

Mango supported him with her body, but she almost fell as well. Then she looked at the source of the explosion. It came from her car that had broken down earlier!

The expression on Wisdom and Mango's face changed drastically when they saw this.

If Mango had personally gotten off the car to look into the cause of the problem, she would have become a charred body by now.

Thus, Mango was terrified at this thought. When Wisdom saw this, he grabbed her hand directly and noticed that her palms were covered in sweat.

Nathaniel and the others ran out quickly when they heard the explosion.

"What happened?!¹'

When he saw that the car that had exploded was his own, his face suddenly turned pale.

Meanwhile, Zion's eyes narrowed at this scene as well.


He sprinted forward with tears in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Mango saw Zion exiting the cemetery. She knew that he was scared when she saw his face, so she grabbed his arm quickly.

"Zion, I'm here, and so is Wisdom. We're not in the car."

Mango's urgent voice caught Zion's attention, so he immediately looked in her direction.

After all, he was still trying to accept Sasa's death. Now, when he saw that his mother's car had exploded, he couldn't take everything in all of a sudden. However, when he saw Mango, he pounced into her arms suddenly while his entire body was trembling.

When Nathaniel heard Mango's voice, he suddenly looked in their direction. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Mango and Wisdom were safe and sound.

"What on earth is going on?"

He ran over and asked softly.

Mango quickly answered him by giving him a brief account of the incidents that had happened. While she was doing this, someone was already trying to put out the ire.

Once Mango had told him everything, Nathaniel understood that Wisdom was the one who had warned Mango. Thus, he couldn't help but stroke Wisdom's hair as he whispered, "Thank you, Wisdom."

Wisdom shook his head but didn't say anything in reply. After all, he had the fright of his life as well!

Mango's car had burst into flames. After Nathaniel confirmed that they were safe, he immediately joined the team to put up the fire.

After a short while, Zion managed to calm himself down. However, a firm but determined gaze shone in his beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

The terrorists were simply horrible!

So, those who invaded their country had to pay the price with their lives no matter where they were!

Zion had never felt the burdens and responsibilities of a soldier this strongly until now. There were three things he had to do right now. He had to overcome his personality disorder! Then, he had to train hard and continue serving in the army!

Otherwise, he could not protect his family!

He knew that both Mango and Nathaniel would live dangerous lives due to their renowned reputation. Therefore, they would face many schemes and dangers in their lives.

Zion was their son, and so were Wisdom and Rita. So, he had to grow stronger for all of them.

He did not kill an innocent human back in Swovenia. Instead, he had executed some terrorists that had done despicable acts! He was a soldier that had to uphold justice, so even if he had bloodstained hands, he did it all to protect his loved ones and country!

Suddenly, the confusion in his mind dissipated.

Then, he looked at the worries in Mango's eyes and said in a low yet firm voice, "Mom, I'll help them out."

As soon as he finished his sentence, he quickly joined the people who were extinguishing the fire.


Mango wanted to grab Zion, but she didn't manage to do so.

At this moment, she vaguely sensed that her son was even more determined to serve the army.

She didn't want him to stay in the army, but she couldn't force him to retire as it was his wish to do so. Thus, she was in a dilemma right now.

Meanwhile, Wisdom never let go of her hand all the time. The army had mobilized some troops, so their surroundings were a lot safer, but he still never let her go. Instead, his grip grew even tighter.

Their surroundings were in an uproar. Since the area around the martyr cemetery was not densely populated, they were lucky that there were no casualties. This was the only thing that they were thankful for.


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