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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1146

Mango looked at the video that stopped midway and then zoomed into the scene. Then, the familiar face of Newell appeared on the screen clearly.

It was Newell Powell?!

Mango was slightly depressed when she saw this.

Why did he choose to do this?

Did it do it for Sisi?

Mango's brows were knitted together tightly in frustration as these questions popped into her mind.

She started tapping her fingers on the table subconsciously as she started falling deep into thought...

This didn't make sense!

Newell would never betray Nathaniel, less alone attempt to kill Mango!

Then what exactly was going on?

Newell grew up with Nathaniel, so he naturally knew Nathaniel's computer skills. Moreover, Zion was here as well. Even if Newell was the one who did this, he wouldn't make such a stupid mistake as he would delete the video!

If Newell was really the mastermind, he would have turned off the surveillance cameras. In fact, he could have done it in the blind spot of the cameras, but he didn't do so!

This could only mean that Newell had been manipulated by someone else as well!

This person was not familiar with the blind spots of the surveillance cameras in the Ye's Mansion, so he made such a rookie mistake.

Then who could this person be?

People who were not familiar with the layout of the Ye Mansion were naturally not servants of the Ye family. After all, they hadn't changed servants for a long time.

Mango was lost in thought as she tried to figure out the mastermind behind this incident.

If the culprit was not a servant of the Ye family, he was likely an outsider. However, everyone who had come to the Ye Mansion in the past few days was a friend of the family. After all, other than Deborah, only Walter and his uncles from the Hans family had visited. However, they couldn't be the ones who wanted her and Nathaniel dead.

Therefore, Mango was puzzled by this conundrum.

Hence, she decided to call Newell in the end.

However, after the call went through, she was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Mango, what's the matter?"

Newell initiated the conversation after he had picked up the call.

He spoke naturally, and he didn't sound like someone who had done something bad.

Mango coughed before she asked, "What did you do in the garage yesterday in the afternoon?"

"There was some problem with the car. I wanted to check if it would get better after the engine cooled down, so I went to the garage. What is it?"

Mango was surprised when she heard Newell's reply.

"Wait, did our car break down?"

"Well, not exactly. I just thought that the sound of the engine sounded a bit off. I thought that this happened because of the rising temperature, so I didn't send it to the workshop. Thus, I wanted to check whether the car was alright after the engine had cooled down. Besides, I was thinking to send it to the shop if I couldn't repair it myself. After all, the repairing costs of this car aren't cheap. Besides, the new year is around the corner, so it's inconvenient because I'll have to queue for their service."

However, Mango had managed to figure something out from what Newell had said.

"Huh? The temperature of the engine went too high? Where have you been? Did you head into the mountains?"

Newell paused for a moment after hearing the question. Then he said in a low voice, "I went to meet Sisi."

When Mango heard his reply, she was only a little surprised.

After all, Newell and Sisi were close to each other. No matter how Sisi treated Newell, the latter had always held her dear to his heart.

If Sisi hadn't crossed the line this time, Newell would probably do more for her.

"Did you manage to meet her?"

"No, they didn't allow any visitors."

Newell was rather disheartened when he answered.

Mango knew that Sisi was still pregnant with Newell's child. Thus, he would definitely worry about her.

"I'll ask Nathan to pay the prison guards so that they'll be more lenient. We will try our best so that you two can see each other."

Mango said calmly in reply.

When Newell heard her words, he started choking with emotion.

"Mango, you're still treating Sisi so well after what she has done to you. I feel ashamed because of how kind you are."

"What's there to be ashamed of? After all, we're all family. Even if Sisi made a mistake, she had already been punished for it. Thus, other family members don't need to pay for her crimes, right?"

Newell was touched by Mango's words.

"Mango, thank you so much."

"You're welcome. By the way, I have something to ask you as well."

Mango went straight to the point, " Our car exploded today. There was a time bomb in the car. We have checked the recordings of the surveillance camera, and a part of it was deleted. However, Zion restored the video. Thus, we saw from the video that you were the only person that entered the garage today."

Newell was taken aback momentarily after hearing this. Then he realized something and said hurriedly, "Mango, it's not me! I won't ever do anything that harms myself and others. Nathan and you have given me the shares of the company. Even if I don't do a thing, I'll have even hundreds of millions of dollars annually just from dividends. So, why would I want to blast you to your death? If you pass away, I can't even run the company well. What next? Will I have to starve to death in poverty with my child by then?"

"It's alright, I trust you."

Newell sounded urgent, so Mango could naturally tell whether he was being truthful.

Thus, she calmed down slightly after hearing his reply.

"Mango, I didn't bring anyone back with me. I was worried that the engine wasn't working properly, so I went to a small workshop nearby and bought a car code reader. I swear I certainly didn't take anything else into the garage with me!"

Newell had gone through hardships since he was a child as well. Even after the Ye family had adopted him, they had trained him to be a bodyguard. Thus, his monthly income was limited. Therefore, he would not act like Nathaniel, who would send his car directly to the workshop if there was something wrong with it. Instead, Newell would first see if he could fix the problem. After all, he could save some money if he could solve the problem himself.

Even if Nathaniel had Newell some shares now, the latter couldn't change his years of frugal habit in such a short period of time. Therefore, Mango was not surprised to see that Newell would try to fix his car himself when he saw that it had a


"Huh? Did you go to a small workshop nearby the house? Where is it located?"


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