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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1161

"What on earth is going on?"

Walter hugged Deborah subconsciously as he was worried that she would have fallen to the ground.

However, Deborah looked a little upset.

"Did anything happen?"

After all, she was a little uneasy because she had a feeling that today's wedding wouldn't go so smoothly. In fact, she had been thinking this way since someone had brought her father to the wine cellar.

The driver said a little awkwardly, "Um... Mr. Song, someone is blocking our car."

"What! Who is doing that?"

Walter rolled the window down and saw Noah standing there with a smile. When he spotted Walter, he said while smiling, "Mr. Song, let's swap our vehicles."

When Walter heard this, he looked aside and noticed that Noah was driving the same model as his wedding car.

Walter pondered for a moment before he whispered to Deborah, "Let's get into another car just in case then."


Deborah had no objections to this.

When she was about to get off the car, Walter carried her in his arms again.

"I heard that the bride can't step on the ground before she has completed the wedding ceremony with me. So, I'll carry you instead!"

Suddenly, Deborah felt warm after hearing his words.

"Nah, I don't care much about these things."

"It's okay. We should still follow the traditional customs on the day of our wedding."

After saying that, Walter got out of the car with Deborah in his arms.

Then, Noah opened the door for them and said with a smile, "I'll be your driver today. What do you think?"

"Thanks so much then, Noah."

Walter flashed him a grateful smile as he replied.

Then Noah said to Walter, "Leave the fleet. We'll head there on our own. Then, well meet up at Mr. Xiao's place later."

After hearing this, Deborah froze monetarily before she instantly understood what was going on.

"Of course, we'll do just that."

She spoke for Walter directly.

Since even Noah had come to them, it was likely that Mango and Nathaniel had used their connections to help both her and Walter.

They had managed to prepare a similar car because they were afraid that someone would hijack the wedding car halfway.

When Noah saw that Deborah was so sensible, he couldn't help but smile while saying, "Mr. Song, you're lucky to have her as your wife."

"Ah, thank you for the compliment!"

Walter couldn't stop smiling today.

He was truly happy throughout his wedding!

Noah was married, so he naturally didn't laugh at Walter. However, he reminded the latter kindly, "We'll prank you in your chamber tonight, so you should prepare yourself mentally!"

"What? Are you guys really going to do it?"

Walter thought that Nathaniel had been joking when the latter had mentioned this.

"Of course. Do you think I'm lying? Anyway, don't think too much about it. This is the only time you'll get to fool around in your life!"

Noah drove the car away after finishing his words.

Meanwhile, Walter held Deborah's hand along the way, and he truly felt extremely blessed.

Suddenly, Noah's phone rang when they were about to arrive at Brantley's residence.

However, Noah was driving, so he turned on the speaker instead.

"Hi, this is Noah speaking."

"Mr. Soo, Mr. Song's wedding car exploded like what you expected."

As soon as the other party said that, Deborah broke out in a cold sweat abruptly while Walter paled considerably.

"Did Bernard's men do this?"

"I assume so."

"Alright, we'll be there in five minutes. Get ready to meet up."

"Got it!"

After ending the call, Noah said with a smile, "It's okay. We're all prepared for the worst."

However, Walter still looked upset.

Everyone only would get married once in their life, so he had wanted Deborah to have an unforgettable wedding. But now, Bernard had ruined the event so much that Walter wanted to strangle the former to death!"

"Will everything be fine once we get to the Xiao family?"

"Well, no one knows for sure."

After answering, Noah drove the car away at high speed.

Deborah knew that Walter was pretty angry, so she said in a low voice, "Hey, today is a special day for us, right? Let's leave the rest to Nathaniel and Mango then."


Of course, Walter still trusted both Mango and Nathaniel.

Soon, their car caught up to the other cars.

Meanwhile, the Xiao family's residence was already full of guests. Brantley, who was accompanied by Toby, was waiting for them outside. When he saw the wedding car arriving, he was finally able to relax.

"Perfect! This is wonderful!"

A smile appeared on Brantley's face when he said this.

Then, Toby whispered in a low tone, "Mr. Xiao, let's go in. According to our customs, you're not supposed to wait outside."

"Of course. Let's go inside."

After that, Brantley entered the house happily.

All the guests had their eyes on the wedding.

Just then, Bernard, who was in Angolla, received a call from his subordinates.

"Bernard, I'm sorry! Our mission failed because Nathaniel was so cunning! Walter and Deborah changed their vehicles halfway, so they managed to arrive at the Xiao family's residence in one piece."

"Urgh! You're a bunch of useless b*stards!"

Bernard's voice was icy cold, and the other party couldn't help but shiver involuntarily.

After that, Bernard threw his phone away in fits of rage with a gloomy expression on his face. Thus, everyone around him took a step back subconsciously as they were afraid of being scolded by him.

Then, Henry looked at Bernard, who was throwing a temper, before moving forward to pick up the phone. He tested it and confirmed that it was still working before giving it to Bernard.

Bernard turned to look at Henry as his soft eyes suddenly turned a little intimidating.

"Hmm? You're not afraid of me even though I'm pissed right now?"

"Why should I be afraid of you when you're mad?"

Henry asked in reply nonchalantly, and he was as emotionless as a robot.


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