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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1162

Wisdom, her son!

At this thought, Mango ran inside to search for Wisdom.

"What's wrong?"

When Nathaniel saw Mango's panicked expression, he couldn't help but walk over and hold her gently.

"Have you seen Wisdom?"

Mango looked at Nathaniel and was somewhat comforted. After all, she felt safe whenever he was round.

Nathaniel furrowed his brows slightly when he heard Mango's question.

Where was Wisdom?

He went to the bathroom just now, but it seemed that he was taking too long.

"I'll look for him."

"I'll go with you then. Just now, Lebanon called and said that Bernard was going to target the people around us. He wanted me to keep an eye on the children. Then only I realized that Wisdom was missing. Argh! I'm such a bad mom. How could I forget about Wisdom? I should have accompanied him to the bathroom!"

Mango blamed her greatly for making this mistake.

Today was Walter's wedding. They had considered every single possibility and prepared to face them, but they never thought that their enemies would target their children!

Suddenly, Nathaniel noticed that Mango was on the verge of tears, so he consoled her hurriedly, "Hey, it's not your fault. You're only one person, so of course, you couldn't have thought about every single possibility! This is just an emergency, but I believe that Wisdom will be fine. Let's go have a look, alright?"


After that, the couple went to the bathroom in a hurry.

The wedding banquet was going on right now, so a lot of people were in the bathroom. However, to Nathaniel and Mango, this wasn't good news because Wisdom could be kidnapped without being noticed.

Then, Nathaniel looked at Mango and whispered in a low voice, "Wait for me outside. I'll go in and have a look."


Mango nodded in response.

After that, Nathaniel went in and searched everywhere in the bathroom, but he couldn't find Wisdom. However, he found the buttons of Wisdom's clothes on the ground.

His face darkened considerably when he saw this.

They had really kidnapped a child!

"Bernard Gaylord!

You'd better make sure my son is alive and well. Otherwise, I'll tear you apart even if I have to fight you in Angolla!"

Mango knew that her guess was right when she saw Nathaniel coming out of the bathroom without Wisdom.

"Let me find Wisdom then."

She spoke and was about to go outside, but Nathaniel stopped her.

"Wait, I don't think it's a good idea for you to leave the wedding ceremony. Besides, Bernard's men may be watching us. If their men didn't kidnap Wisdom, they might be more alert if we leave. So, I'm afraid it'll be more dangerous for Wisdom if we do so."


Mango's mind was in complete chaos right now.

THen, Nathaniel held her tightly in his arms as he said in a low voice, "Mango, I know you are worried about Wisdom. I'm worried about him as well. But, this isn't the time to panic. Listen to me! We'll call your aunt because only she can solve this. If Bernard's men really kidnapped Wisdom, she would do something since she has been spying on Angolla for so many years. Furthermore, Bettany is Wisdom's master, so it'll be much better for them to look for him than for us to go on a wild goose chase."

Mango finally felt a little more relieved upon hearing Nathaniel's words.

"Yes, that's right, I can ask my aunt and Bettany for help. How could I forget about them?"

After saying this, Mango took out his phone and called Magnolia and Bettany as fast as she could. Then, she explained the situation briefly to them.

Magnolia replied said that she would help them. Once she found Wisdom, she would contact Mango as soon as possible. Furthermore, Bettany said the same thing as she had also thought of Wisdom as her own soon.

After hanging up, Mango still felt a little uneasy.

The new year was around the corner, so Wisdom was only wearing thin clothing. Therefore, Mango didn't know if he would be freezing in those clothes.

On the other hand, Nathaniel was anxious as well, but he looked around and took Mango's hand while saying, "Let's go back. Others will be suspicious if we stay outside for too long."


Mango nodded in agreement, but her eyes turned cold.

Bernard Gaylord!

This man needed to pay the price for all his ruthless actions!

After they returned to their seats, the atmosphere around them was filled with joy. However, no matter how hard Mango tried, she couldn't be happy anymore.

She knew that this wasn't fair for Walter and Deborah, but what could she do?

After all, her son was missing!

Right now, nothing mattered more than Wisdom.

On the other hand, Wisdom had passed out in the bathroom after someone had drugged him. After all, he had inhaled too much of the drug when he noticed that he was being drugged. After all, he was a child, so his body couldn't resist the drugs. Therefore, he had sworn angrily before he fainted.

When he woke up again, he was already in a car.

The vehicle was shaking as it moved. His hands and feet were tied, and his mouth was stuffed with a rag. Therefore, right now, he looked like those kidnapping victims that he had seen on TV.

At this thought, Wisdom felt like rolling his eyes.

The vehicle was a cheap van that stank of fish. Besides, he was bound with such rough ropes that his hands and feet felt like burning.

The people who had kidnapped him were a group of idiots!

Wisdom shook his head hard. Then he heard the two men in front of the van talking.


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