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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1181

No one would be able to understand Magnolia's sorrow.

Meanwhile, Mango watched as the doctors pushed Desmond out of the emergency room. When she heard the doctor say that he had only suffered from minor injuries, she heaved a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Desmond looked around and he was relieved when he did not see Victoria.

Mango felt hilarious when she saw this scene.

"Are you finally afraid of her now? Hah! I thought you were happy because you did nothing even though Victoria treated you badly all these years!"

Although she felt sorry for Desmond, she was still upset when she remembered how Desmond had been submissive towards Victoria.

Then, Desmond smiled wryly and said, "I didn't want to fight with her because I was just trying to keep my promise to Marissa."

"Urgh! Victoria has been taking advantage of you all these years! If you stood up for yourself from the beginning, things wouldn't turn out to be like this. Well, forget it. I won't interfere with your decision since you have made a choice now.

Hmm, one more thing. Are you really going to let her stay in prison?"

Mango asked this as she had her own suspicions.

After all, Desmond was someone who looked cold and indifferent, but he was actually a soft-hearted man. Therefore, Mango was afraid that he would bail Victoria out as Marissa had treated him well.

She knew that Victoria would not give up after she was being threatened and frightened. Furthermore, Victoria could step out of line when she had the chance to, so she would only dig her own grave.

Then, Desmond pondered for a moment and responded, "Well, let her stay there. It's safer inside, so she can see the reality clearly."

"Aren't you afraid that she will call you an ungrateful brat?"

"Bah! Whatever! I know I'm not."

Mango was somewhat satisfied upon seeing that Desmond had made up his mind.

After that, she looked at Desmond and then Nathaniel. She whispered, "Well, you don't have to worry about this. Therefore, leave it to Nathan and me. Your main responsibility during this period is to accompany Haniya and take care of yourself. After ten days, you need to follow us to Angolla."

"All right."

Desmond had no objection to this plan.

After leaving the hospital, Mango and Nathaniel got into their car.

Then, Nathaniel asked in a low voice, "Why do you only want to leave in ten days? I thought you would go right away."

"No, we don't need to mess up our plans for other people. Besides, Bernard still wants to kill us. Also, the fight between Lebanon and Lexis won't end in these ten days anyway, so there's no need to rush as our presence in Angolla won't change anything. Therefore, we really don't need to worry about all these things."

When Mango said this, Nathaniel knew that she had become more mature.

Indeed, they could not change anything even if they went there earlier as they were only planning to turn the tables. If what Magnolia said was true, there was no need for them to trouble themselves as Bernard, Lexis and Lebanon were busy fighting for power in Angolla.

So, they should use this time to do something that they wanted.

"What are you planning to do then?"

"Ask Ned to send someone to rescue Bettany secretly after he finds her. We can talk about the rest ten days later. For now, I just want to take my children out and play."

Mango felt that she had barely spent any time with her children. Therefore, she would accompany them as much as she could when they still needed her.

Obviously, Nathaniel was happy to hear Mango's words.

"Well, is there any place that you want to visit?"

"Nah, not really."

Mango smiled when she spoke.

After all, she had come up with this idea suddenly, so she had not planned anything yet. However, if they wanted to travel somewhere, she would definitely choose a warmer destination as it was cold here.

Suddenly, she thought about Nakasara.

However, Mango decided not to go there because of what happened at Longford County.

Then, Nathaniel put her hand in his and whispered, "Let's ask the children what they think when we got back later."

"Can we bring Rita out?"

Mango knew that Rita stayed in Morgan's house to accompany Bjorn, but if they went out to play without Rita, she would feel terrible.

Nathaniel sighed softly and replied, "Well ask her

later, okay?"


Then, they headed to Morgan's house.

Even though this was the second time they had come to Morgan's house, it was still heavily guarded.

Suddenly, Mango thought of the matter that Esther asked her to investigate last time. Although there was still no news from the Dark Night Empire, Mango knew that Esther was not that weak.

This time, they were surprised as the guards had allowed them to enter as well. Perhaps the guards had allowed them to do this because of Mateo's influence.

Mango and Nathaniel both thought of the same reason, and then they walked into Morgan's house.

Meanwhile, Esther was still planting and reading. Thus, she had been living her life peacefully.

When she saw Mango and Nathaniel, she smiled, "Hey! Happy New Year! Did you come here to greet me?"

"Yes, Esther. Happy New Year!"

Mango immediately greeted Esther with a smile.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel did the same and then went straight to see the children.

On the other hand, Esther took Mango's hand and they sat down. Then, she smiled, "Is it cold outside?"

"It's still okay. Your house is warm, though."

"Of course! I'm using the heater."

Then, Esther asked the servant to make some tea for Mango.

After that, Mango whispered when there were only two of them left in the living room, "Esther, let me..."


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