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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1182

Hence, Mango's expression turned serious when she saw this.

It would be fine if only Mango and Nathaniel were in the car, but Rita was with them right now.

Thus, Mango looked upset when she thought that their enemies could target or hurt Rita.

"Rita, come to me."

Mango wanted to hold Rita in her arms, or she would not be at ease. However, Rita acted innocently and began to doze off, "Mommy, I'm so sleepy... Well, I'll sleep for a while at the backseat."

After that, Rita fell to the car seat and fell asleep.

On the other hand, Mango did not know why her daughter was acting this way. Then, she glanced at Nathaniel subconsciously and saw that he did not say anything. At this moment, he seemed to be very calm, so her anxiety was slowly alleviated.

Perhaps things were not as complicated as she thought.

This was how Mango comforted herself.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel sped up when the car at the back followed them closely. However, Rita slept like a log, and they could even hear her snores.

At the same time, Mango saw that Rita did not care about it anymore. Therefore, she did not worry about it anymore and leaned against the car seat. Then, she decided to close her eyes to take a rest.

It was the new year, but Mango never managed to rest well after she had found out what happened between Barack and Magnolia.

On the other hand, Nathaniel still could not shake the car behind them off. Obviously, he had underestimated the person who had been following them.

When Nathaniel saw that they were nearby Hans family, he drove into the entrance without any hesitation.

At this time, the butler was slightly startled when he saw Nathaniel's car, but he quickly opened the door for him.

"Mr. Ye!"

Then, Nathaniel drove in straightaway before the butler could finish his words. At that moment, the butler couldn't help but step back due to shock. However, Nathaniel also found out that the car did not follow them anymore.

Well, they were safe for now.

When Mango opened her eyes, she realized that they had arrived at the Hans family, and her expression changed slightly.

The Hans family's villa was the last place she wanted to be right now.

Then, she shot Nathaniel an inquisitive glance, but she found that he was staring at Rita, who was sleeping in the backseat. Right now, he seemed to be in deep thought.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Let's go in and take a rest first."

This time, Nathaniel did not answer Mango. Instead, he parked the car before he got out of it to pick Rita up.

The temperature was cold now, so Nathaniel was afraid that Rita would be freezing. Therefore, he took off his coat and wrapped it around his daughter.

Although Mango was judging him, she could not say anything because they were currently in a critical situation. Thus, she also got out of the car.

Meanwhile, Terrance was a little surprised when his butler said that Mango and Nathaniel had arrived.

He was astonished because he didn't expect that Mango would come back. This was because she had left with an annoyed expression on her face. However, he still ordered the butler to brew some tea and prepare some food for them quickly.

On the other hand, Nathaniel carried Rita, who looked exhausted, into the living room while she was still sleeping soundly in his arms.

"Terrance, I'll take Rita to the room and sleep for a while."

"Sure thing."

Meanwhile, Terrance had also noticed that Rita looked worn out. Although he didn't know what was going on, he still asked one of the maids to clean the room.

Mango came in later, and she paused for a moment, but she did not say anything when she saw Terrance. However, she sat down on the sofa and took a bite of the snacks prepared by the butler.

Meanwhile, Mango ate non-stop. She couldn't stop eating as perhaps she was hungry, or she really liked these snacks.

thus, Terrance quickly gestured the butler to prepare more snacks upon seeing that Mango liked it very much. However, he heard Mango say, "It's fine, Terrance. After all, I'll get tired of these snacks if I eat too much of them."

Terrance was quite embarrassed as he could tell that there was an underlying message in her


"Hmm... well, have a drink then."

At this moment, Terrance felt awkward, just like the first time he had met her.

In fact, this really had nothing to do with him as they were in this situation because of Barack. However, why did he always feel sorry for Mango?

However, Terrance did not know how to resolve this. Meanwhile, after eating some snacks and drinking some hot water, Mango felt that her body became more energetic, so she was in a better mood.

Urgh! It was a new year, so how could she be so unlucky?

Mango cursed silently. However, she was stunned for a moment when she saw Terrance was being cautious. Therefore, she felt awkward, so she blurted, "Terrance, are you going to be single for the rest of your life? I think you should start a family for the sake of the Hans family, you know?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Terrance was a little confused by her question. Why did Mango suddenly bring up the issue of his marital status?

Wasn't Mango angry with him?

Suddenly, Mango recalled something while

Terrance was still shocked.

What the f*ck!

If her guess was correct, Barack would be the king of Angolla, and Lebanon would be her cousin!

Mango was surprised and astonished at the same time when she thought of this. However, she did not dislike it that much.


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