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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1191

After Wisdom came downstairs, Rita stuffed him with a delicious food, which immediately warmed him.

"Thank you, Rita."

Wisdom's smile was faint but sincere.

Zion glanced at them without saying a word as he understood Rita's actions clearly.

His sister was probably afraid that Wisdom could not feel the warmth of their family, so that was why she treated Wisdom with such care. However, she didn't have such concerns about Zion, her biological brother. Because of this, she was less caring to Zion.

As he thought about this, a pang of jealousy hit Zion in the chest.

Then, he got up and went to pack his stuff.

Wisdom and Rita had a lot to talk about, and Mango didn't join in their conversation either. She let the two of them pack their luggage while she went to the living room.

There, Brantley and Nathaniel were talking about something and they both looked happy.

Seeing this, Mango's heart sank when she thought about how Magnolia's whereabouts were still unknown and they didn't know if she was still alive. However, she forced a smile as she walked over to them.

"Grandpa, Nathan and I are bringing the children on a trip. If you need anything or if anything bad happens, you can go to my uncle."

"There are people in the Xiao family too, you know. Don't worry. I'm just a useless old man. No one's interested in me. You should be careful when you're out. Lay low and try to protect yourself, okay?"

Brantley looked worried.

Mango nodded at his words and the news about Magnolia lingered on her lips for a few moments before she swallowed it.

She should wait until there was news about where Magnolia was.

As she thought about this, Mango's eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing her like this, Nathaniel knew what she was thinking. After exchanging a few more words with Brantley, he went over to Mango.

"Let's go. We should start packing too."


Then, Mango followed Nathaniel and went upstairs.

Mango poured all her time and effort on Magnolia, and although Magnolia wasn't that good of a person, it was undeniable that what she had said before had made Mango feel sad and sympathetic towards her. Now, Mango was upset as she didn't know if Magnolia was alive or dead.

Nathaniel whispered as soon as they entered the room, "I need to use the bathroom. You can start packing first."


Without hesitation, Mango started to pack up her belongings.

After Nathaniel entered the bathroom, he collapsed abruptly onto the floor.

His head felt as if it was about to blow up.

What was going on?

His head ached terribly and if it weren't for his strong endurance, Mango would have already sensed that something was wrong.

Nathaniel almost groaned aloud because of the pain as he felt as if there was something humongous threatening to charge out of his head.

Cold sweat soaked his back and shirt in an instant as his face turned ghastly pale, which made him look absolutely frightening.

He clenched his teeth together, but he couldn't stop the throbbing pain, so he quickly lunged forward and turned on the shower. The sound of flowing water filled the bathroom and he was able to hide his emotions and pain temporarily at that moment.

Then, he fell to the ground suddenly and curled up into a ball while he hugged his head and resisted the pain silently.

"Nathan, you should take some casual clothes. You won't need to show up for any functions, right? You can leave your suit, okay?"

Just then, Mango's soft and tender voice came from outside, but it sounded distant in Nathaniel's mind as if it came from somewhere unreachable.


Mango had already come to the bathroom door and asked again with uncertainty.

"It's up to you."

Nathaniel's voice was a little weak as something flashed across his eyes.

"Oh, okay."

After hearing Nathaniel's voice, Mango walked away from the door.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel's hand was clasped onto the inner side of his thigh tightly, but the severe pain on his thigh was nothing compared to the splitting headache.

He panted and finally gave up resisting, hoping that the pain would go away quickly. Unfortunately, the pain did not subside at all and it swept over him like a flood.

This time, the pain was so fierce that Nathaniel was completely unprepared. He had wanted to say something, but he didn't have a chance to.

Just then, images painted in blood started to flash through his mind, as if he was watching a massacre and countless people were being shot and slaughtered. The old, the young, men and women were crying everywhere, but their cries were no use as they were still slaughtered brutally in the end.

Seeing all this, a sudden surge of anger roared in his heart and he was so angry that he wished he was there so he could kill every single one of those murderous demons.

His anger continued to grow and took root in his heart as it became bigger and heavier. It felt as if he was being pulled down into hell and was suffering inhumane and unbearable torture over and over again.


Finally, Nathaniel couldn't hold it in any longer and with a low roar, he passed out.

Outside the bathroom, Mango could hear a faint suppressed growl, but the sound of water had muffled the sound and made it unclear.

"Nathan? Are you alright?"

Mango came to the door of the bathroom quickly and asked, but no answer came except for the sound of water.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Mango tried to open the bathroom door immediately, only to find that the door was locked from inside.


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