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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1192

After returning to the bedroom, Wisdom fell to his knees with a thud as cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

How could this be?

He ran to the bookshelf and took the Hikasa Manual that he had gotten from Longford County and looked through it bit by bit, afraid that he might have missed something. Unfortunately, after reading the entire book, he couldn't find anything that would help Nathaniel's.

Nathaniel was clearly poisoned!

Wisdom knew that Nathaniel wasn't poisoned out of the blue and that the poison was accumulated over the years.

But how was that possible?

Daddy had always been in good health, so even if he was poisoned with something that would kill him slowly, someone would have noticed changes in his health eventually.

For so many years, Nathaniel had Noah close by his side and Noah should have been able to find out about the poisoning. But why didn't he?

Moreover, just now, Wisdom was terrified even after feeling Nathaniel's pulse briefly.

The poison must have already contaminated Nathaniel's system and organs.

How was Wisdom supposed to tell mommy?

How could he tell her?

He didn't even know what was the poison in his daddy's body right now. What should he do?

Wisdom's little mind was in a mess.

When he came across such situations before, he would call Bettany immediately, but could he do it now?

He didn't know if Bettany was a friend or enemy right now. What if she took advantage of this opportunity and hurt his family? What if she hurt his dad and mom?

Different emotions came rushing into his mind and heart.

Meanwhile, Mango noticed something was up.

Nathaniel's face was blue like a corpse and she knew that this wasn't just a simple headache.

Even though the temperature in the room was 30 degrees and Mango was soaked in sweat, Nathaniel's body was still ice- cold while there were tiny bits of frost at the corners of his lips.


It was snowy...

It was as if it was winter and his lips were frozen with frost.

She didn't need to be an expert in the medical field to know that this was not normal.

Right now, Nathaniel seemed to be tortured by a nightmare. His brows were tightly knitted together as if he was suffering from unbearable pain and was unable to break free from it.

"Nathan, can you hear me? It's me, Mango. Please wake up!"

Mango shouted anxiously, but Nathaniel laid still on the bed and seemed to have been trapped in another world, unable to break free.

Nathaniel seemed to have heard Mango's voice and wanted to open his eyes to escape from this nightmare, but he was unable to do so.

All he could see were corpses scattered everywhere and he could smell the blood that was streaming endlessly in the air. The piles of bodies made up a scene that was cruel and heartwrenching.

Only at this moment did he realize what killing looked like and what it meant to eliminate someone completely.

Here, even pregnant women were assassinated and the horrifying scene was too much for him to


The air was filled with the stench of blood, making it hard to breathe.

Suddenly, someone gave out an order to set the corpses on fire, and soon, the bodies were ignited as the flames swallowed them.

Then, the unpleasant smell of burning filled his nostrils.

He wanted to do something, but he knew that he couldn't do anything. He could only watch helplessly as the corpses turned into ashes slowly. Just then, a gust of wind blew and it sent the ashes flying as they slowly float towards the sky. It was as if the ashes were vengeful spirits and they were growling and crying in his ear, causing him to shiver in fear.

The fire burned for three whole days until finally, nothing was left to burn.

After that, someone had planted flowers on the ashes.

Time flew and after a few years, the flowers and trees there grew beautifully in green and red, but somehow, it was not enough to hide the fact that piles of bodies laid beneath.

Nathaniel felt a suffocating pain in his chest.

The people who were slaughtered seemed to be related to him and it made his heart feel as if it was being torn apart. He spat a mouthful of blood and just as he was about to faint, he heard someone sigh and said, "Does it anger you? Do you hate them? They were your family, but every one of them was slaughtered and killed and not a single person survived. How could you be so cold to live such a happy and comfortable life? How could you? You are part of the Zhang family. How could you forget? Have you really forgotten?"

Those questions were like curses that stuck to him and he was unable to shake them off. They were like shadows that followed his body everywhere.

At that moment, Mango saw Nathaniel's entire body twitch violently, and just as she was about to say something to get him out of the nightmare, she saw a line of tears slip down from his eyes, which made her utterly shocked.

This was Nathaniel!

The strong and persistent Nathaniel rarely shed tears!

What was he going through that was so devastating it made him cry?

This time, Mango was truly shocked. She stared blankly at Nathaniel, not knowing what to do.

On the other hand, Wisdom was still hesitating if he should call Deltany.

Bettany was an expert in the field of poison. Besides, she was from Longford County, so her study of the Hikasa Manual would be much deeper than his. But could he really put Nathaniel's life in Bettany's hands?

It was obvious that Bettany hadn't come to Ocean City for him, so what did she come here for?

Wisdom didn't know, and he still couldn't make a decision.

Then, he took the medicine that was used to treat Nathaniel's illness and went to Mango's room.

When Mango saw Wisdom, her expression turned serious and her heart sank.


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